Virginia "Lobby Day" a big success this year


New member
Lobby day 2010 was a rousing success in Virginia this year. The pro-rights folks were out in droves (my head count at one point was somewhere between 1,000 and 1,200 people) while the "million mom march" sponsored group was approximately 300 people with 37 participating in their "laydown".

The VCDL people played it VERY smart this year, vacating the bell-tower area before the MMM folks took the stage. This had the dual effect of avoiding any confrontations (which it seems like the MMM folks actively sought out two years ago) and also creating this big empty space and lack of participants that even "tactical" use of news cameras failed to hide.

A few of the local news clips.

Mostly just factual

Anti and then Pro sides
I was actually purposefully cut off on the road by one of these Miniscule Mom March protesters last time this gathering occurred. The woman actually had a kid in her car, too.
I really wanted to make the drive up for it this year, but I had to work.

All goes according to plan, I'll be living in Richmond in time for next years. Hopefully I can get off work for it.

Thanks to all that took the time to be there for it.