Virginia hunting. A constitutional right?


New member
Voters in Virginia will decide whether or
not they want to amend that state's
constitution next month. The proposal;
to make hunting and fishing constitutionally
protected activities. of lovers, hunters, and
home base of our wacky friends at PETA.
Well, with fishing lumped in with hunting, there're good odds it will pass. But don't take it for granted, in today's world. Make sure all the folks you know understand that it's important for the sake of wildlife.

With no hunting or fishing, game populations will decline--no money.

You probably already know, but point out that no game species is in danger *as a species* because of today's legal, controlled hunting.

Species in decline are those suffering from loss of habitat due to residential expansions (elk, in the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains; less winter graze), feral predators (songbirds, e.g.), or pollution (mostly, fish).

Regards, Art