Virginia Hunters stabbed in the back.


New member
In Virginia we had a bill coming up that would remove the ban on Sunday hunting. That bill would have created almost 3000 jobs and added $296million dollars into the state Fish and Wildlife fund to help add more WMA's and help restore wildlife habitat.

It was shot down and died in comity in part thanks to HUNTERS. Yes HUNTERS the Virginia Dog Hunting Alliance (VDHA) went in and voiced a loud opposition to this bill because it would make hunters look bad. REALLY it will make us look bad to the non-hunting public. WHAT EVER. You see you can hunt coon on Sunday with DOGS only right now.

I am not sure why they would want to do this to all hunters in the state of Virginia. It just pisses me off big time. We need to support each other. Not be picking at each other. I feel it is unfair to use dogs to push and drive all the deer in an area into a trap where waiting hunters just slaughter them as they are running from the dogs. Just doesn't sound sporting to me at all..... I do however support their right to hunt with dogs as there is no law against it. Why can't they be supportive.
I have never heard of a ban on hunting on Sundays before. what was the reason for that?
Sunday is traditionaly the "Lord's Day". .... :)
I figure if the Lord takes offence at my hunting on Sunday, he takes offence the rest of the week. Giving concessions by some hunters, proves nothing but does indicate they feel they are in the wrong.

Somewhat like not being able to hunt Doves in Iowa. It's a bird of the Bible. Yet, we can hunt them in Missouri, Illinoise and Wisconsin. They also claim that a Dove is a song bird. Well, don't all birds have their own song? Some prettier than others but it's still a song !! ... ;)

Be Safe !!!
Mike still no hunting on Sunday in PA. They are 2 of only 6 states left with these old out of date laws.

I do not attend church do to my beliefs. I am not saying I don't believe in god because, I do. I am just saying the way I look at it is you don't have to do to church to still live right and worship god.

I have my 5 day a week job and I also do side computer work for people. Well most of that work happens on Friday night and Saturday.

This year I was only able to get out 1 Saturday. I spend a much of Sundays sitting in my house staring out the back door with my face pressed against it wish I could go hunting.

It all boils down to the virginia farm bureau, the dog hunters, and the horse people. They want a day of rest for all god creatures yet you can coon hunt with dogs on Sunday, and they can go horse back riding on Sunday. I can't stand horses never have really liked them.

I never delt with this till moving to VA. I grew up in CA and once deer season hit it was open 7 days a week never bothered anyone out there. A lot of it is the guys running dogs on fox and coon don't want deer hunters messing up their hunt.

I can tell you this I am sure I will not be none to polite to dog hunters ever again. I myself think it is very non-sporting for someone to turn lose 50 dogs into the woods and have them chase animals into waiting hunters who sit their collective fat butts in chairs waiting for the deer to be pushed to them. That is not deer hunting that is running cattle to slaughter. Yet, I am OK because it is not against the law in VA to hunt that way.
Game Hunting

The fact is that sport hunting is considered a game. It may not be called such, but it is treated that way, all accross the nation. Arbitrary rules, influenced by different special intrest groups, both for, and against hunting is the nature of the beast. Sorry.

No hunting on Sunday, some places. Some places can only hunt goose on certain days of the week. Can use dogs for some, no dogs for others. Lead here, no lead there. .22 ok here, not ok there. Rifles ok here, shotgun only there. In season here, not open across the road/stream/imaginary line. Etc.,etc.,etc...

There are good, sound, game management principles enforced by some if the regulations. The rest I think are put in just to make it more difficult and confusing.
Big game hunting on Sunday was illegal in New York also until fairly recently. I wanna say 10 years ago maybe, something like that.

There's no rational reason for it.
Cant hunt sundays here. I see both sides of the issue. One, weekends are often only time to hunt. But on the other hand, when i lived in a rural area sundays were the day we could go out and rake, walk dogs on trails, etc, without having to wear blaze orange or wake up at the crack of dawn to gunshots.
I hardly consider that "stabbed in the back." You're for it. They're against it. They won this round. That's the way it works.

I noticed that you edited your post about us horse owner's. Every one I know voted for Sunday hunting. ???
Wh HAD NO SUNDAY HUNTING in MI-select esp downstate counties. I believe they are all gone now..

Where did the come from?? The same place most laws regarding CCW and registering handguns in MI.. Racist-The anti Sunday laws kept the black from hunting on Sunday-the only day they didnt work (early 1900s and before). Same w/ concealled permits-the sheriff had control of who got them--and was practiced up until 10 yrs ago when SHALL issue came in. Some counties still dont follow the shall issue as it was intended(written) but they are the law.