Virginia gun sale


New member
I am going to sell my handgun what do I need to be clear of the firearm. I don't want to be held liable if the buyer goes off and does something stupid. Does anyone know what I need to do to be clear in the state of Virginia. Thanks for any help.
All you have to do is verify the buyer is 21+yrs old and a Virginia resident. Just request to see his I.D. You are not required to do create a bill of sale however; I would. Just a simple letter (that you keep for your records) indicating what gun you sold, to whom, serial#, date, virginia I.D#, etc. I have sold (and currently selling) a pistol here in Virginia.
Legally nothing but an exchange of money and the handgun. You can make up a reciept with info and signatures but it's not needed.
bTW....the buyer doesn't have to be 21. That only applies to a licensed dealer.
I had heard that you don't need to be 21 to get it if it recently if is not from a ffl dealer. I didn't know if their was truth behind that or not.
I am having second thoughts about selling the handgun to this guy I don't want to sound predjuice but he sounds like he is up to no good. He does not have a drivers license but he said he has an Id. I ask when he wanted to come out and he said any time was good he does have a job or "nothing to do". What do you guys think? Am I being over cautious? I just don't want to see my handgun wind up on the news and some innocent person to get hurt.
Well it is your gun. If theres something about the deal that makes you uncomfortable, or you just dont like the guy, dont sell it. I like all my guns too much to sell them to someone that rubs me the wrong way.

Follow your "second thought". If something doesn't feel right, then it usually isn't right. I've told perspective buyers that I've changed my mind on the deal. It's your gun, you do not have to sell it to anyone.
Yeah I don't think I am going to sell it to him I am not looking to have the state police at my door. My friend wanted to buy it but he is only 20 I emailed the state police about that and they have not sent me an email back. I see on their website that you have to be 21 to buy from a ffl but they don't say anything about FTF . I am not trying to be a poster child for a gun law. Since most of those poster say 20 years or so and thats a fair part of my life.
Good deal, I woudn't have sold it to him either.

If there's *any* doubt about the transaction, just meet at an FFL and have them do it for you. They'll run a NICS check and everything. If the buyer balks, walk away.
Is their anywhere in writing that says it is legal to sell one to a 18yr old. I see alot of people say it but have never seen proof of it. I have not got an email back from the state police yet. I am not saying you are or any one else are wrong but I just like to say yes I got it from thier.
The law does not typically give permissions, just prohibitions.

If it is not prohibited it is allowed.

§ 18.2-309. Furnishing certain weapons to minors; penalty.
A. If any person sells, barters, gives or furnishes, or causes to be sold, bartered, given or furnished, to any minor a dirk, switchblade knife or bowie knife, having good cause to believe him to be a minor, such person shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.
B. If any person sells, barters, gives or furnishes, or causes to be sold, bartered, given or furnished, to any minor a handgun, having good cause to believe him to be a minor, such person shall be guilty of a Class 6 felony. This subsection shall not apply to any transfer made between family members or for the purpose of engaging in a sporting event or activity.
(Code 1950, § 18.1-344; 1960, c. 358; 1975, cc. 14, 15; 1992, c. 487; 1993, c. 855.)

Minor means under 18.
18.2-308.7. Possession or transportation of certain firearms by persons under the age of 18; penalty.

It shall be unlawful for any person under 18 years of age to knowingly and intentionally possess or transport a handgun or assault firearm anywhere in the Commonwealth. For the purposes of this section, "handgun" means any pistol or revolver or other firearm originally designed, made and intended to fire single or multiple projectiles by means of an explosion of a combustible material from one or more barrels when held in one hand and "assault firearm" means any (i) semi-automatic centerfire rifle or pistol which expels single or multiple projectiles by action of an explosion of a combustible material and is equipped at the time of the offense with a magazine which will hold more than 20 rounds of ammunition or designed by the manufacturer to accommodate a silencer or equipped with a folding stock or (ii) shotgun with a magazine which will hold more than seven rounds of the longest ammunition for which it is chambered. A violation of this section shall be a Class 1 misdemeanor.
Gun Sale

Just sell me the gun at a decent price and you will have no problems. I'm a Deputy and I live in the commonwealth of Virginia.
I sold it to a older gentlemen and his son last week. The man seem really nice I got his Drivers license number wrote down the serial number and then I had him sign that he was taking possession of the gun. I think he was alot better of a person to have the gun then the other guy.
I hate to discriminate because of age...but selling a gun to

someone 20 years old, even someone who is a 'friend' is on the edge.... I found in face to faces... everygun I've bought there was an exchange of information.... neither of us had a problem with it...
It is legal to sell a pistol to an 18 y/o in Virginia if it is FTF.
Yes...look up the "Handgun Youth Safety Act" on google.

Virginia has no age restrictions beyond that regarding handguns.
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