Virginia Gun Laws

Rob Pincus

New member
Okay, it looks like I may be relocating. It is my impression that Virginia is relatively gun friendly.

Am I missing anything?

Are any particular rifles or handguns banned (as in NJ)??

What is required to get a CCW?

Is there is any limit/restriction/wait period involved in purchases, beyond federal legislation?

Is the "instant check" in State or Federal?

What are the laws on the use of lethal force in terms of Self Defense and Defense of home/vehicle ??

Thanks in Advance.

Rob - First let me recommend that you get the book "Virginia Gun Owner's Guide" put out by Bloomfield Press (1-800-707-4020). Bloomfield has guides for several states including AZ, CA, FL, and TX.

In order:
Yes, VA is gun friendly. We currently have a semi-pro-gun governor.

Some counties/cities have restrictions on guns used for hunting (see the guide). I don't believe there are any restrictions on gun ownership of any type beyond the Fed requirements.

VA is a "shall issue" state. It's relatively easy to get a CCW. Fees total $50 but may vary by county. I haven't heard of any gouging anywhere.

Waiting period for handguns varies by county. In Fairfax Cnty it's 4 days (may have been reduced to 3 recently). In most other counties there is no wait. No wait for long guns even in Fairfax.

VA was the model for the NICS. We have had it for a long time and it works very smoothly IMX. I haven't noticed any difference when the national system came online.

To quote from the guide, "Virginia is one of the handful of states with no statutory laws to define when you can use deadly force in self defense." But there are several court precedents. I highly recommend the guide for you to study this topic.

I knew that Virginia was the first state to have an instant check, but I wondered if they still handled it in-state or if they are now deferring to the federal check. I am currently in TN, where they use an in-state system, which I have found to be very quick and reliable. Since last November, I have had to wait more than 5 minutes only once (out of about 10-12 guns on 5-6 checks)
Mal pretty well summed it up, VA is basically gun friendly (except for the 1 gun/month thing).
- CCW is $50 state-wide, they have 45 days to process your application. Some couties are faster than others. All require a recognized safety course (NRA, police, military are fine)
- The instant check system is run by the state police, and IMX, works fine, it's never taken more than 5 minutes to get cleared.
-Fairfax County, OTOH, (where I live) is a PITA, with their 3 day wait, and the Clerk of the Circut Court (who issues the CCWs here) likes to see some evidence of proficiency along with a safety course, but as a LEO, you will likely skate right on thru.
-I live about 10 minutes from LEAA HQ in Mclean, so if you're heading this way, e-mail me, I'd be happy to send you a set of ADC maps, chat about neighborhoods, schools, etc. Housing is pricey, traffic sucks, but the Blue Ridge is an hour west, the Chesapeake an hour east, there are compensations. Take care, M2

[This message has been edited by Mike in VA (edited July 12, 1999).]
I'll be that hour west, in Winchester, but I'll frequently be in Fairfax at LEAA. We'll have to get together.

Are you serious about that 1 gun per month? That would be almost impossible for me.. how do people who work in the industry and don't have FFLs deal with it?
You mean that if I get 5 guns in for a charity or promotional event, I have to get them 5 months ahead of time and then get no others nor any personal weapons in that time?? Is it one handgun or just any one firearm ??

This is gonna suck. Tell me you were joking. Surely Mal wouldn't have left that out......
Rob, I believe you can do more than one (handgun)/month, but you'll need to work it thru the St. police. I've never done it, but I understand it can be done. I have seen a 'multiple purchase' form.

Winchester is beautiful, they have a great Apple Blossom Festival in April, and I suspect you may be able to find some nice acreage in some little hollow for your back yard range that's not too dear. It's still pretty country, tho gentrification is a fact, even out there. It's about an hour or so out of McLean, 20-25 minutes more to downtown, depending on time of day.

Stay in touch, M2

Anyone with experience in this "multiple purchase" form, please pass the info.

I am going to put it out of my mind for now. That is the first real negative I have been faced with on this move.

(okay, besides the Apple Blossum Festival thing.... ;))

I have about 6 months to look for a house, but I am planning on getting acreage and building. A nice hill with an open area in front of it is required.
Mike is correct, I was looking it up while he was posting. :) The State Police will perform an "enhanced" background check. They say the forms are available at most local police or sheriff's offices. They say 94% of all requests are granted and those that aren't are due to incomplete info on the form. So if you want to buy for an event, I doubt that you would have a problem, just the hassle of another form.
Theys plenty of hills out that way. FWIW, the local constabulary that I have met ( a limited sample) have been pro CCW, even in Ffx, and I suspect that once you get acquainted with the locals, you will have little problem. Hunting is a big deal out that way (e.g. schools close on the first day of deer season, I hear). It's still the South, aftera all. M2
Rob -

I have seen many multiple purchases come through at the range where I work part time. All have been approved, none were for LEO's. This included one private customer who filled out three multiple purchase applications in one month, for 4, 7, and 3 handguns respectively. By the way the range/shop is in Fairfax County, which is very likely the most anti-gun county in VA. All those multiple purchases were therefore processed through Fairfax, including the 72 hour wait period (not including weekends and holidays). The biggest pain is going down to the station to get the forms and fill them out. As noted above, be sure and do it correctly!

Also the one gun a month is only for handguns, rifles/shotguns are still as many as you can carry/pay for! I am not aware of any banned rifles, or handguns, at the VA state level. The book Mal H mentioned has a discussion in it on what firearms are not allowed by state law. It is written by Alan Korwin and Steve Maniscalco.

Look me up when you get in the area, I live down near Quantico MCB, about an hour and a half from Winchester.

NRA Life Member
LEAA Life Member

Freedom is not Free

[This message has been edited by ATM (edited July 12, 1999).]