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Pat has always been on planet Jupiter. I guess he wants to go out a "hero". As a New Yorker, I just hope he goes out and goes back to the Catskills and writes his memoirs and fades into the backround,finally.

IMHO, one of Congress's ongoing problems is being in session too much of the time. With all that time on their hands, many Senators and Representatives have to search really hard for ways to look busy. This leads to a lot of opportunity for mischief, such as Mr. Moynihan's silly little bill. Personally, I think Congress would do twice as much good--or half as much harm--if it met half as often.
Interesting thought. Our Founding Fathers felt the same way (great minds think alike). Back then, I believe, Congress was convened right after Thanksgiving and adjourned before Christmas.
I don't know how anyone can "represent" an area when they don't live there, but in DC for most of the year.

On that note, how can H. Clinton claim to be able to represent NY?