vintage rifle found abandoned in NV national park

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New member
Hey, don't have details, but read a short brief and saw a poor picture.

Apparently a '73 Winchester, with readable serial number, was found propped against a tree at a remote National Park site in NV. (Great Basin?) Appears to have been there for a very long time.

Sure makes you wonder..........
my late brother found a savage 99 laying under a pine tree in deer season and posted it in the local paper as where it was found and recieved a call from a man who said it could be his as he had shot a deer in that area and proped it up against a pine tree while he dragged the deer to a logging road and then could not find it, he thought the rifle slipped from where he proped it and thats why he could not find it. the man told my brother the serial number and number of shells in it and the make of the shells. it had been in the woods over a year,but was not in real bad shape. the owner had it totaly refinished(wood and metal) and i think still hunts with it. eastbank.
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