Views On Fanny Pack Concealment?


New member
What do ya'll think of the fanny pack as a means of carrying your pistol?
I haven't even thought of this until a guy at a gun store told me he uses one all the time. You don't see many people out in town with a fanny pack strapped to their hip.:o Just curious to see what everyone thinks of them and what people have said to you with one on?:confused:
My dad used his for years to conceal carry...with some of the packs out there they are actually pretty quick when you get used to them another nice thing is you dont have to dress for it...he makes fun of it more than anybody else i think...if somebody asks about it he says its his "man purse"...nobody ever suspected there to be a gun in there which is the whole idea right? Also comes in handy for carrying things on leatherman, flashlight etc...and carrying wallet keys....hope that helps...

As a cop, first thing you think when you see a fannypack is GUN. I wouldn't want to wear one for any other than that reason.
A guy wearing a fanny pack is saying either of two things.
1. That he is a tourist. (Wants a place to store his camera, wallet, etc)
2. That he is carrying a gun.

okay, I'll add a third reason.
3. That he isn't in much of a hurry to draw his weapon in the case of being attacked.
I am one of the few that probably thinks they that serve a purpose. I have one in a very nice looking brown leather that is surprisingly comfortable and quite convenient. this region everyone would assume you were carrying. So I don't use it as a primary means for carrying. I use it as sort of a situational carry system. Almost like a ultra-light-mini-BOB (bug out bag). Can put a firearm, mags, ammo, wallet, cell phone, etc...,..into..and have a nice little system if I had to get out of the house NOW, I was simply in a hurry, I am traveling to include checking into a hotel, etc. Since it would be obvious (to firearm's people) in this region I don't use it as a primary system but still like it because I can use it in other ways that are very practicle for me as an individual.

Edited for bad grammar.
I use a fanny pack to conceal my Colt Official Police and a bottle of water whenever I ride my bike.
But I never wear a fanny pack in normal clothes. Looks kinda sissy.
I'll never forget when I used to wear one all the time back in Jr High (when they were REAL popular among children in the late 80s and early 90s) and a security guard at the school called me over and bluntly ask, "why are you wearing a purse?" "Oh it's a fanny pack." I'd reply. "But that's a purse." he would insist. :D
Not as a regular thing, because it looks too darn silly with real clothes.

But if you ride a bicycle, go to the gym, hike, or walk in excercise clothes, a fanny pack won't draw a second glance because it will fit in with what you are doing.

Just don't do as one ... person ... in this community did awhile back. Showed up in public (WalMart) wearing faded, holey denim overalls, no shirt underneath it, and an obvious gun-carrying fanny pack. Stoopud looking for sure. Wish I'd gotten a picture, because I still don't believe it.

Oh, re the fanny pack = gun thing. There are good designs and bad ones. If the fanny pack is three times bigger than it ought to be, black, made out of leather, and has a six-inch string hanging down ... well, you get the picture.

Fanny pack is the modern holster, that's all. In Arizona, Fanny Pack = Gun. There is limited clothing to conceal a weapon in.

And they're a bit sissy, unless you're over 60. Then you're excused...:D
dust devil said

okay, I'll add a third reason.
3. That he isn't in much of a hurry to draw his weapon in the case of being attacked.

i am not trying to say your ignorant overtly so let me say this as nicely as i can. your ignorant about this subject on this
just kidding. a fanny pack designed to carry a weapon are extreemly fats draw. take galcos. they have a rip cord of sorts. pull the cord with the left draw with the right. it is quicker than many concealed draws. this is what we are talking about here is concealed draw.think about throwing back a shirt then drawing . reachinf behind you. fiddiling with an iwb holster. no a good design is a qui8ck draw. go to a gun store and put one on. practice a few times then try to see if that is faster than other concealed methods. i think you will find it is just as quick. i am not talking about dumping your weapon in a fanny pack. i am talking a fanny pack designed for concealed carry.
i was talking draw not the ranking of how good an idea it is.i used to throw a small 45 in the very back compartment of a pack not designed to be a weapon pack. so if you opend up the main one it looke like it only had handcuffs etc in there. the draw time was slow. this reminds me of a story. i had a guy fill his back pack up with he went out the door and i chased him. the idiot had a gun in the front compartment of a fanny pack. he came in with only a fanny back went and took a back pack off the shelf removed the tags then filled it with sudifed. i am chasing him as he has this back pack on. i knew as soon as he went for the fanny pack he had a gun but it was a normal fanny pack so i tried to catch him before he got the gun out. this took almost 10 seconds and 75 yards for him to get the damn weapon out.i laugh at it now but at the time i said have a nice day and come back any a normal pack is slow but a properly designed one is fast. as far as fanny pack = gun goes to us who have a clue yes. to police yes but to the majority of people i dont think they put them together. especially in phoenix. it is 115 out and al;most everyone has a pack of some kind so itis easier to blend them in.what about day planners. i think it is stupid t6o carry a gun in something like that but i do think gun when i see the right sized day runner.hell fanny pack and photog vest's should just say gun on board on them.
Thats what I was thinking about it

Would look funny walking around in plain clothes with one.
Wanted to see what others thought of this idea cause someone mentioned it to me at the gun shop thanks.

What are some other alternatives concealing the XD9 Service model with the 4inch barrel?
Not going to use the fanny pack and look like a sissy.
IWB is the way to go in hot weather, IMHO. A good IWB holster will even serve you in gym shorts and a t-shirt.

As for cold weather, situation dictates. Its either IWB or horizontal shoulder rig if the outer layer doesn't have to come off....
I find the fanny pack useful when. Hunting, biking, walking/running, hiking, fishing, etc. Not cool, shopping, dining out, etc. A friend once said, what you got in the Man bag, that did it for me.
QUOTE: Derius_T said "A good IWB holster will even serve you in gym shorts and a t-shirt."

Maybe you could elaborate a bit on that one.:confused:
close fitting pancake belt or IWB from bianchi.

One of the guys at work carries like that with his XD, you cant tell its there. Hes a smaller guy too.
As a cop, first thing you think when you see a fannypack is GUN. I wouldn't want to wear one for any other than that reason.

You may think that, and I may think that, and cops in general may think that, but I really believe that the ordinary person in public doesn't even consider it. And even if they do, what can they do about it, come up and ask you if you have a gun in there?

I typically carry in a shoulder satchel, which is sort of like fanny-pack carry but it's not worn around the waist (that hurts my lower back). Lots of people I know see me with that, but the only ones who indicate that they think there is a gun in there are the ones I've informed on my own.
