Video of the VA anti-gun protests/VCDL counter protest

Garand Illusion

New member
There were several threads on this, but I couldn't find a good one to attach this to so I'm starting a new one. Take a look at the following:

Protest Footage

This is a video meant to be anti-gun. Yet as I watch it ... I see nothing negative about the pro-gun people. I just see video that shows a lively protest and counter protest, with both sides holding up signs for things they believe will make the given situation better. The most offensive thing to me is the self-righteous view of the anti-gun people, who refuse to consider the opinion of anyone who disagrees with them.

And interspersed throughout is written commentary, the gist of which is "victims know what is best for people, and you can't disagree with them because they're victims."

Ann Coulter has spoken to this with much media attention when she said something about the 9-11 widows who were making political statements, "never have widows had so much fun from their husbands's death."

Just because someone survives a car crash or loses a loved one to a car crash doesn't mean they have any special insights about car safety.

Just because someone has lost a beloved son in a war or to crime (though we will sympathize with them and lend them our prayers/support) doesn't mean they have special insights as to how to make society safer or what will best make our country safe.

The power of the victim ... it's hard to ignore, and you like it when the victim is on your side (such as the Texas woman & now lawmaker who was at the Luby massacre and promoted CCW) but that doesn't mean those of us who disagree have to shut up and give them no back talk.

Take a look for yourself, and let us know what you think of the actions of the fine people of the VCDL who dare to stand up for their rights ... and for that matter the rights of the victims, whether they believe it or not.

And if you think there's even one compelling anti-gun protester statement or image.

Here is drivel on it: drivel
Hey, I'm in that video. :D

Yes, how dare we "descend" on a public demonstration held in a public square outside the General Assembly building. Didn't know it was by invitation only. Twits. The Capital Police were golden. Told the hysterics to pound sand when they tried to have us barred from their media street theatre.

And, yes, most of us were armed. And guess what? Not one handgun brandished. Not one shot fired. Not one gunshot wound. In fact, the closest thing to injuries came from the battle-axes shoving us around (which does give the lie to their whole feigned terror at armed citizens).
Yup, it was all about the "Gun Show Loophole" and the VT victims.

Hmmm....wait. Cho bought them thru an FFL legally...

So why are they talking/protesting the "loophole"??