Video of home invasion repelled by woman

My immediate thought was that she looks Chinese or Korean. The news comment that she is a restaurant manager and that the house stores restaurant supplies tells me that she manages a Chinese takeout type restaurant.

Nothing wrong with that. Good for her for defending her home. Gotta wonder, though, why it was the woman doing the defending and not the male housemate.
Gotta wonder, though, why it was the woman doing the defending and not the male housemate.

Of all that went on, that is what you gotta wonder???? :rolleyes: Just because there is a man there doesn't mean that the man is the owner of the residence, a gun owner, has access to a gun, was first to realize what is going on, or the one best suited for the job.
One out of three is not too bad. It is interesting to me since in the last month, I have bought two S&W Model 10-5 revolvers that were police trade-ins from the Gwinnett County, GA.

I imagine the other two perps had to clean their pants out. Hope Georgia has the same law many other States have where the other two will be charged for murder when caught.
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It is only surprising that she was the defender if you are stuck in the 19th century.

Race is irrelevant, of course.

Good job for her. The only comment is that it said she shot all rounds. Lower capacity, semi? I'd argue for a higher cap house gun.

But it was a great job and we don't need to nitpick.
She definitely had a fighter's spirit. It's interesting to note that she runs towards the gunfire and advances the fight as opposed to running away. She also seems to use the gun as a sort of contact weapon, firing while pointing generally at the person while advancing to close range. My impression is that she could probably use a little more training for her technique, but it ended well for her.
Man or woman, she survived, took out one intruder and chased the others away. She lived to tell about it. I think she did great. I'm sure she like anyone that survives an incident like this will learn and be better prepared next time. And as far as being a woman I pity the person that breaks in on my wife! I don't even come home after dark without having her on the phone. ;)
I spoke with an acquaintance who is a Police Detective and we discussed home invasions. He told me that these events are basically never random and the people are targeted most likely because they are small business owners known to keep large amounts of cash in their home or criminals themselves again with money, drugs, or other loot. I’m not suggesting this homeowner is a criminal, but it seems likely that she was targeted as a business owner. Overall I think she did well - a good gal with a gun…
All three attackers were armed and had the gumption to make a go at a home invasion. They split like a banana when she came at them shooting.

- Most criminals are cowards and only fight when they think they have a huge advantage. This always a good reason to appear prepared, ready and able to deal with an attacker instead of like a victim.

It is impossible to tell from the video but the parting shot might have been over the top.

- So long as there was an apparent threat outside she would be in the right. If they were all high tailing it and she shot someone in the back that could come back on her.

It is pretty apparent from the video that she had no training or had forgotten it. There was no proper aiming going on.

- The bad guys did not care because they were on the receiving end. I am willing to bet if she had been aiming properly that she would have gotten all three of them easily. As it turned out this was not necessary. If they had a little more staying power things could have gotten really nasty when her mag ran dry.
She didn't look like she had a lot of formal training, but it's hard to tell when one is in firefight how one behaves.

She may have had some training. It looks like she is holding her flashlight in her left hand and indexing it against her neck while shooting around the left side of a barrier.

Edit: My bad. I watched the video blown up and she doesn't seem to be using a particular hold for her flashlight.
She did not hesitate, she went all out.

Did she ever! She charged those intruders with gun a blazing! She refused to be a victim. Good for her. Even if the two that got away never get caught, I bet they think twice before doing a break in again.
Most criminals are cowards and only fight when they think they have a huge advantage. This always a good reason to appear prepared, ready and able to deal with an attacker instead of like a victim.

Funny how risk management is associated with cowardice when it is done by the opposition, but considered to be smart when performed by our side. Figuring out ways to not get hurt is smart, regardless of whether you are a bad guy or a good guy. Bad guys don't want to die for a few dollars any more than and of us do.

The strategy you described for criminals is one that our military and police usually follow when at all possible. It is a smart way to do business when your business is very dangerous.

Being prepared is good, but the woman and her housemate are still both victims. Whether or not they feel victimized will be borne out with time.
My kind of girl, clearly believes "The best defense is a good offense". Ha Ha!

Note to cops, there be a strong scent trail left by the bad guys, if you know what I mean.
The strategy you described for criminals is one that our military and police usually follow when at all possible. It is a smart way to do business when your business is very dangerous.

The military maybe sort of, police not so much. The military often can pick and choose it's battles so long as they are meeting their objectives. A military objective might be to destroy another military force. The US military does not often drop a load in their shorts and run at the first sign of trouble when the plan goes awry. It happens once every great while but it so rare as to be notable when it does.

Police fight defensively only and when they have no other choice, often at a disadvantage. Military concepts are pretty foreign to the way they do business. The police don't go looking for a fight and try to avoid it even when they go somewhere potentially dangerous.

To an outsider it often looks the same but it is about as different as golf and basketball.
I'll admit that it is very easy to "pass judgment" on someone else's actions whilst in the comfort of a chair behind a screen but, whilst I admire her bravery, I'd have to say she is veeeery lucky not to have been hurt.

There were three of them and at one point, two of them cross her path from each side, IIRR, half a second latter and they could have been behind her, not in front.

I think this would have been a time to hold a defensive position by the door that she entered through or some other cover from which she could not have been out-flanked. Easy to say, granted, but if she could turn back the clock, I'd say that was that was one important point to take into account.

And they say driving while on the phone is dangerous, shooting while on the phone also has risks!!

All the same, she exercised her right to self defence and was victorious and that is a good thing.
she did what had to be done to protect her home and herself. If more people were armed and did what she did there would be a drop in home invasions.