There are 2 types around here (Austin TX) The small traffic control ones around intersections and regular closed circuit cameras. The closed cirduit cameras can be found along highways and at intersections to monitor people running red lights, as that is a habit of most Austinites. I dont particularly like the closed circuit camreas as they are just one more step closer to Big Brother being able to watch you all the time. As for tickets, the camera/radar instalations in Europe take a picture such that the driver is visible so you cant claim it wasnt you driving. If all the ones here are taking pictures of the plates then tehy are useless as far as revenue generation goes. At least with the laws as they are today. Tickets are not issued to the cars breaking the law, but rather the driver. However, guve that our society currently believes that guns cause crime, I dont see it impossible to have the registered owner of the car be held responsible for its actions. For now, these stupid tickets can just be trown away unless they are delivered registered or for that matter have a picture of you sitting behind the wheel runnig a light.