Video - Attempted Carjacking in Brazil

This is a very short video of two crooks trying to carjack a driver as he gets into his parked car. The driver sees them approaching, recognizes a potential threat and reaches between his seat and grabs a pistol as he gets in the driver's seat. Just seconds later, his instincts are proven correct. Lots of good lessons on situational awareness in this one.
Wow... Good piece of video. This is a good one to replay the crucial seconds about 15 times to see in detail what's really happening. We see once again how fast these incidents unfold. The driver didn't hesitate in showing his gun... As soon as BG1 presents, he's ready, but the BG is not deterred and actually shoots first!

Looks like the driver got some flash burn on the head. Good job.
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that is so impressive. made my wife watch that like 15 times. she keeps a gun in the drivers side door and I always try to explain to her why that's not going to work in 90% of situations. I can only assume that guy knew he was possibly being followed before he got to the car, before we can see in the vid. I can't imagine reflexes being that fast w/o a moment of beforethought. the bad guys shot so quickly, they didn't seem interested in letting him live, it seemed like the plan was to kill then take the car, or maybe he was flashing cash at bar/store whatever. textbook is all I can say, yeah, the BG's got the first shot, but the weapon was concealed and if the driver took the first shot and perps ending up not having a weapon then we would all be singing the song about not shooting until you know they are armed. its hard to understand the motivation of the Bgs just shooting immediately, so maybe there is a dynamic we aren't seeing. either way, this guy deserves a medal. not sure I would have been able to react that fast unless I knew I was being followed and built a gameplan in my head before getting to my car.

this exact situation is what worries me the most about my wife and son when I am not there. my wife shoots, but not enough to run on instinct like that. the new thing around here is, someone rear ends you lightly, you instinctively get out to check damage and that's when the passenger pulls a gun and takes your car. so we have been discussing what we do in accidents from now on, getting out and immediately making sure everyone is okay is now off the list, which goes against my first instincts being a paramedic.

**edit: let me add, I have spent many a years in Brazil, and it is a very dangerous place. they have worked their butts off to destroy the civilian right to self-defense. with 81% taxes on firearms and impossible loopholes to obtain carry permits. I understand Brazil is one of the only times the NRA has gotten involved in international gun law and have done a great job at swaying the vote from abolishing ALL civilian ownership of guns or ammunition. still illegal to reload ammo without special licensing and still illegal to own rifle calibers at all, despite having one of the highest firearm related deaths per capita in the world. point being, I love that this was caught on camera as well an many other SD situations in brazil, and hope this keeps the trend of having close to 70% of the people vote for constitutional ownership of firearms. Brasil is an amazingly beautiful country with breathtaking natural tourism and amazing citizens, it was my home away from home for several years and depending where you are in the large country, it can be simply amazing or just plain sad depending. those folks need fair carry laws as much or more than any country I have frequented. if you ever get the opportunity to visit, stay the heck away from Sao Paulo and head south to Curitiba and enjoy some amazing people, parks, food and coffee and carry whatever improvised weapon that will be effective because the poverty there can be mind-blowing.
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Glad he only got grazed by the bad guy. Man, that was a close call. The driver was only a half inch from incapacitation or death.