Video: AAC SCAR-SD silencer with 100 round mag dump


New member
Do not try this -- it can cause injury or death and is not normal use nor covered by the warranty. Barrels of this length are spewing unburned powder. Use 10 inches or longer for anything real.

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The suppressor had no damage except that nearly all of the finish vaporized. There were no baffle strikes. The blast baffle was fine, and the end cap had no errosion.

Dumped in two bursts...pretty cool.

The fire was pretty cool. Now I see why he is wearing the huge gloves. I guess that is the problem with the unburned powder.

I thought it was interesting about the claim of the 7.5" barrel having more pressure than a 16" barrel. I take it to mean the amount of pressure at the end of the barrel that would be entering the suppressor and so they were trying to show just how much additional pressure the suppressor could handle under extreme (and not suggested) conditions.

You gotta love the slack-jawed look the guy gives the camera after closing the bolt, letting the gun point upward, inserts his finger inside the triggerguard. It is good to know that people in R&D are really on top of things.