Video/3-gun Match

Pretty good. Just can't figure out why he looks at his holster when he re-holsters his pistol. Seems to me, you should have your eyes on the BG/targets as you engage them.:)
It's faster. Look at what you're doing, and you're more likely to get it right the first time, rather than hunting for the holster. Also, outside of CAS leather, I've never seen a holster that was very well designed for rapid reholstering. A few more years, and the 3-gun guys might start to catch up.

You got to look the gun into the holster. Dropping the gun in a match is a match DQ. Generally your moving to a long gun anyway so your not losing any time.

In a real world situation you would probably just drop the gun on the ground (or throw it at the BG) if you were transitioning to a long gun and needed to keep an eye on a BG.

Gun games and real life are two different things.
Man you guys have some great stages. Do you guys do a big match at your club. If so I would try to make the trip out.
Yar- No, we don't have a big annual match.....yet. We are still trying to build up the regular match attendance. In the summer months, we are lucky to get 20 shooters, but it is slowly starting to build as the word gets out. As for the the comment about "looking your gun in the holster", it is much safer and quicker if you are also moving to you next gun. You don't really lose any time. I would like to see some holsters designed more along the lines of the cowboy holsters, as long as they also provided good retention. thanks