(Vid link) 1911 speed reload & speed shooting practice

Try the reloads with the gun more level, instead of muzzle high.
The mags should insert easier than at an angle.
And the gun should get back on target faster.
Or not.
It always comes down to what works for you.
I was actually trying that before but while trying to keep my front sight on target I ran into two issues.
1.) I couldn't activate my mag release properly. The angle from a proper grip seemed too troublesome.
2.) While inserting a fresh mag, it almost seemed as if I was upper cutting my mainspring housing and unable to keep my shoulders squared while keeping the mag centered at the base of my palm.

.... Not sure how relavent this is but trust me, I tried duplicating the speed reload scene from The Expensables 20+ times with no success. Freak'n Hollywood movies! lol!
It does always come down to what works best for you.
But maybe when you kept the front sight on the target, during the mag change, the gun was leveled too much.
Bringing the gun straight back to the chest, angled about 45 degrees, seems agreeable, both for the mag change and getting the gun back on target fast, without having to be a contortionist.
With both hands on the weapon drop the mag with support hand. sweep down pull mag and run into the gun. basically you are doing a circle, you can tilt the gun a bit and still keep it pointing at target.