VESTS, as in soft body armor.


Just got back from my annual Canadian fishing trip. Last night, while stopped for gas, I saw two Canadian LEOs. The were getting coffee at a gas station in a small plaza.

Now the question. Why were they wearing their vests OVER there uniform? Nice to let the bad guys know where to shoot! Shades of NYC about 15/20 years ago.

I carry a gun concealed -- because it gives me the element of suprise. The same with a vest ( mine was on but the LEOs did not know because they could not see it ). Give up the element of surprise, and you could give up your life. GLV
George, if they wear their vests on the outside... does that imply they conceal their guns ?...LOL ;)

"The Gun from Down Under !"
Last year I saw a couple of RCMP in Sask. wearing their vests on the outside. Thought it rather odd...must be common practice?
GLV, just curious, were they wearing concealable vests out, or were they the ones that are supposed to look like a uniform shirt?? cmore
The armor worn by the Canadian LEOs was in a standard spa carrier, meant to be worn under a shirt.

Rob, always wear a vest when I work shows, worked in my store, or when I travel, fly, ride bikes, etc, even in places like Canada where I do not carry a gun. GLV
The body armour is relativly new here,
last year or two.Seems to be just R.C.M.P.
on highway patrol wearing them.Used to see a
few cops with concealed armor but not lately.
Might be just a comfort thing.
With 15+ years experience wearing soft body armor, none is 100% confortable. I always wore mine concealed, and continue to do so today. Why give your opponent the edge? GLV
Some vests are ment to be worn outside... Some are ment to be worn inside.

Safariland Cover Six is one example of an OUTSIDE vest.
Kodiac, yes that is correct, and had the officers been wearing such vests, I would not have made the post!

As an experienced vest wearer, and as an experienced seller of vests, I do know the different types of vest. This looked like one of those ' see what I have ' things, however it also could have been department policy. Whatever, it is dumb. GLV