Very hypothetical question . . .


New member
. . . before reading further realize that I am a law-abiding citizen with a legitimate question about governmental intrusion into a citizen's 2nd Amendment rights. I do not advocate doing anything in any way, shape or form that does not conform to the law. Please read at your own discretion. . . .

. . . hypothetically speaking, what would be the best way for someone to keep 'defensive tools' away from the illegal actions of police, military or other authorities in the case of a severe SHTF scenario? I say this knowing that VA and other states don't have weapon registration laws, but despotic authorities could just access the records at outdoor stores and surplus shops to find transactions registers and then go door to door knocking for those who have made purchases and confiscate their items.

Would the best way be to buy from a private party at a gun show and then store the items you bought?

Thank you
Well, Jeff... I wouldn't know anything about that.

But I would guess that buying from an estate sale at a gunshow would be a good way to start. Nothing too fancy, but reliable enough to take care of minute-of-bad-guy with authority to put him down at 50-100 yards.

People either walk around with 1-2 private transfer weapons, or some more entreprenurial individual might buy an entire estate of firearms and set up a table. Either way, 4473's aren't filed for these types of sellers.

And frankly, it's also possible to have forgotten who you sold one of your weapons to at the same type of gun show. No legal obligation to remember anyways. "Older gent, white fellow, in his 50's and thrilled to add it to his collection! Yep, I checked to make sure he was a state resident, and he affirmed for me that he wasn't a felon or crazy or dishonorably discharged. Forgot his name, though. How long ago? Two or three years, I think."

Now, these weapons that we guess we forgot, shouldn't be stored in a place they can be rapidly confiscated in a Katrina-ish situation. But, they need to be handy enough to be accessible after your first-line weapons are confiscated.

Unless you intend on getting into gunfights with those who come to take your guns.

I leave the location to your capable imagination.
with everything available

finding a firearm that you are looking for is really not that complicated. The danger I see is how to insure the item is not stolen. Otherwise almost no purchases from anyone not required to keep official records is going to be recorded.

Being worried about trying to identify who you bought the items from and on what specific day seems somewhat overburdening your self. I've never heard of any legal requirement to keep such information. Perhaps another poster can clarify such a legal requirement of proving who you purchased an item from.
Not quite sure what you are asking

Are you asking how to have any guns left after you, like a good citizen surrender those firearms that the authorities have records that you posess?

If that is the case, the answer is simple, obtain firearms for which there is no legal record, and don't have them where the authorities can find them.

On the other hand, if you let things get to that point, where officials are exceeding their legal authority and confiscating firearms from citizens without arrest or other valid reason, like NO after Katrina, haven't you done us all a strong disservice? Several states have passed laws forbiding confiscation of arms from citizens during emergencies, and if your hasn't, hammer your elected representatives until they do pass such a law.

Of course, since those officials who do violate your civil rights by confiscation of your legally held property without due process are quite willing to ignore those laws, why would they pay attention to any others? In a martial law situation, they will take your guns, if they think there might be a threat. And if they take the registered ones, how do you think they will react when they catch you with guns after that? Not well, I would think.

The time to do something about the possibility of the scenario happening is beforehand. Like now. And from now on. Remember that the High Courts have ruled that the police and the government do not have any legal responsibility to protect you, as an individual, only to the public in general. Which means, if they fail to protect you (and you live) there is no legal recourse for your damages, except against the individuals who injured you (criminals), not against the police for not protecting you. Even if they take away your legal means of protection (guns), they are indemnified by law.

The only thing we can do is to make it clear to the lawmakers that we need laws that adress this issue. And that if we don't get them, not only will we not vote for them again, but that we will actively campaign against their reelection. That is the only handle we have on them, and if we don't use it, it does us no good. Go ahead and hedge your bets, so that you will still have guns when others have theirs taken, and enjoy your elitist status while you may. But if you do nothing to prevent that kind of situation from happening, you must share moral guilt with the confiscators for amy harm befalling the rest of us.
Hypothetical question......

If you think it's time to bury your guns or hide them, then it's time to start using them to defend yourself and your rights as an American.
Running and hiding them will do no good. Fight Back!!! :mad:
Just be prepared for the things that follow......:(
I said this once before. so i guess I'll say it again. in this state ftf sale of long guns is legal. handgun sales must go via an FFL. gun registries are not legal bu the PSP keeps a "sales record" in their infinite wisdom our state supreme court ruled its not a registry.. If they come for the guns this town will be low on the list. I suspect they would get no cooperation from the local law. in fact they might be down right hostile to the attempt. I'm too old for this sort of fight so I'll jut find a good vantage point up on one of the hills and watch the war via my spotting scopes. Should the gun grabbers win the battle i will be headed elsewhere. using back roads I can be there in less than an hour. the farm can be self sufficient. Might not have gas but we got pulling horses. we can plow and plant we would need to milk by hand but would have plenty of manpower to do that. with the infrastructure broken i suspect there will be a large black market for what we can produce. Bear in mind if things go to pot the cities only have about a three day supply of food stuffs. there is no way FEMA can feed the city population. You city slickers are in for some lean times.