Very hard to cock mac-10


I havent fired the gun yet, i heard once i put some rounds through it, people say it should be easier to cock.

Its hard enough where i have to put a glove on to cock it, any ideas? is this normal

Its a Cobray mac-10-11 9mm
Is this a semi or a full auto? The semis are typically a little harder to cock since you have to also overcome the tension of the hammer spring in addition to the recoil spring. Still, it shouldn't be difficult. Perhaps you should try a larger aftermarket cocking knob to get a little more grip surface. The standard cocking knob is only about as big as two or three quarters stacked up; not much to grab onto.
The gun is a semi, brand new. I was thinking about buying one of the side cockers, not sure of the quality though.
Get a taller cocking knob.

The other thing is to make sure it was assembled correctly, the hammer has to be back to assemble the upper onto the lower half.If its not,the bolt wont budge.mag wont lock in neither.
if the hammer is forward-
Just dissassemble it by removing the pin up front,just below the front sight.The upper can then be slid forward and up at the front.The hammer is pressed back till it locks in by the searbar,then reassemble it by putting the pin back.

if not, just get a taller style cocking knob with the slot cut through it to see the sight.these dont spin and give you more area to pull.

lastly, dont forget to change the plastic buffer when it starts to looks bad(splitting).Its very easy to do and they are inexpensive.
thanks for the help.

I need to figure something out because i can barely pull it back. I dont see how this could be normal.
Who made the gun?I know its a cobray but it should have a stamping at the back like fmj,leinad,swd,nighthawk,texas mac(stephenville),power springs or masterpiece arms.The reason I ask is because some makes are different internally than others.Some used powdered metal,some laminated steel and others cnc machined.

no, its not normal for them to be that tight.

they will loosen up after you put 3-500 rounds through them if everything is fine.
Yeah, I have shot a semi auto MAC-10 before with the normal cocking knob and it is pretty hard to get a grip on. I am fortunate that I am still young and have small hands.
try getting a taller cocking knob from masterpiece arms.without looking at the gun, i can't say what else you could try.the recoil assembly could be bent..who knows.Maybe it needs broken in but whatever you do, do not dry fire it,the metalurgy on those arent the greatest.