Verification of Antique Firearms

The double barrel pistol appears to be percussion and either an antique of a reproduction.

The flare pistol, I don't know. Generally no registration is required unless the gun will accept a standard shotgun shell.

The middle gun appears to be another cut down rifle or shotgun and again would be illegal to possess in the U.S. unless registered.

The middle gun is a cut down Remington Model 6. Take the barrel off and throw it away, or you'll be violating federal law. The action without the barrel (or vice/versa) is fine.
Bill, that advice is common, but the problem is that the law has already been violated, and changing or destroying the gun is compounding a felony by destroying evidence of a crime. It's not likely that BATFE will really care, but it is the kind of thing some gung-ho agent might use to impress the boss with how much he hates guns.

The flare gun seems to be a Webley & Scott Mk III 1" flare pistol. They may be seen with and without the bell mouth.
JamesK- If a tree falls in the woods, and nobody is there to hear it....

Unless there is evidence to the authorities-not hearsay evidence like on a forum- that a crime was originally committed, then no real evidence has been destroyed, has it? As no crime has been committed, until it has affected someone or been evidenced by someone.
That's true of any crime. If I ain't caught, I am sure not going to brag about doing what I shouldn't have done. :eek:
