
Rob Pincus

New member
Gov. Ventura was interviewed this evening by Wolf Blitzer.

Among other things, they talked about his "special permit" to carry in the capitol building. Ventura defended his decision by explaining that he might sometime have to go back to the Capitol to get "some papers" or something without his security around. He defended his choice to carry a gun by saying that he might sometime get sperated or not be accompanied by his security men.

He also called the lgislators who criticized him for chosing to carry a gun by saying that he was "endangering Children" a bunch of "diarrhea mouths." He explained how he was the top LEO in the state and a "highly trained" Navy SEAL and who were they to say he wasn't qualified to carry a gun. I wonder if he will soon forego a jacket & tie and wear tights to the office, since he is a highyl trained wrestle and who are they to say he shouldn't.

I still haven't figured out how I feel about this guy.
Perhaps he can start a trend against all this mamby pamby political correctness which threatens the very essence of Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Thought.

Now, what can we do to make him President?
You got to give him credit. He's not afraid to say what he thinks. Might start a new trend in politics, speaking the truth. :)
He was on Meet The Press this past Sunday and his permit was discussed...besides what Rob said...Ventura also said: "This isn't anything special just for me, people all over the country get gun permits, its perfectly legal and its my right."

I like him.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I guess I jsut didn't like the emphasis he was putting on the fact the he was "qualified" becuase of his military experience. I know that he has some stringent ideas on "who" should be able to carry a weapon.. AND apparently it is a "special" case for him to be able to get a permit to carry on the grounds of the Capitol Building.

What has impressed me the most since he took office was when he stood the the step so of the Minnesota Cap. Building and asked a single mother why he should help her go to college. After he was booed by the crowd he went off on them, saying that she shouldn't have had kids before she was educated and able tosupport them.. oh well, she made a mistake.. "Why should the govenrment pay for her mistake?"


The hubbub isn't that he carries on the Capitol grounds...its that he got the permit in the first place. Further, on MTP he stated that he hasn't even carried yet, "its
just a piece of paper in my wallet".

The reason that folks are getting all buggy about this is that they don't think he is being a "proper role model".

He wasn't being elitist Rob..he was almost incredulous...he even said (paraphrasing).."You elect me Governor and you are worried that I may have a gun?

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Apparently, there is a new wrinkle in the issue, becuase he discussed the "special permit" tonight that allows him to carry on the grounds of the Capitol, which is not allowed under the normal CCW laws in Minnesota.
So far, from what I have seen, I like this fellow as well. I gather he bills himself as an independent, social liberal, economic conservative. I hear mostly libertarian philosophy coming from him. I don't care if we have to call ourselves Martians ... I like seeing a fellow in his position act incredulous when the occasion is deserving.

We need more folks expressing incredulity more often. Much of it is incredible, not to mention absurd.

Watching Jesse with great interest. [did he at least grow up in Arizona? ;) We need a Jesse / Barry again.]
I too, like this guy. After listening to the Liberals and Gutless Republicans fold up like Accordians this past year, he is a breath of fresh air. Yes, To Ride, Shoot Straight,and SPEAK THE TRUTH! More Power To Him.
I agree with Rob on his statements regarding being militarily trained and this giving Ventura special qualifications to carry. My qualification to carry comes from being a human being who has an inalienable right to life and liberty. The Second Amendment enumerates this does not come from the Second Amendment.

I also agree with Jeff and DC. I like this man. It is so refreshing to see a politician speak the truth as he sees it without an eye on the next election.
Ventura is a maverick and he is scaring the bejesus out of the establishment politicos. If Jesse turns out to be a halfway decent Governor, the career politicos will smell the unemployment line.
So, you watch...every week or so Ventura will be in the news for some sort of "outlandish" or apparently controversial thing.....look closely and you'll see its just a smoke screen...they are going to try to cover Ventura with a cloak of controversy and try to destroy his credibility.

A gun? Hell I'm more disturbed that Clinton has intact male parts and constant access to pens...maybe if someone gave Bill a gun he'd go out and play in the backyard where he belongs

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
OK, ya, the capitol thing smells a bit fishy. But it's not like he's going there for "Special occasions" or anything.

Me, I went to Sacramento's capitol building *once* in late '97 for the Assembly Safety Committee meeting on shall-issue. MAN is John Lott a good speaker. So's that lady from TX that got elected to the TX House after her family got greased in that burger dive...Suzanna something? Anyways, I had no particular problem renting a locker at the Greyhound station and stashing two knives and "Baby" the minirevolver in it for a few hours. Disarmed in the bathroom, stuck it all in a bag, popped it in for a back on my bike, drove the eight blocks to the state building armed with a mini maglight and good intentions.

But *daily*?! Sorry, that would be a *royal* pain in the arse, and if you forget ONCE you're a felon, you lose your hard-won Governor's job, some career jackarse gets to take over, ETC. To HELL with that. So he scores a special addendum to his CCW so he can't make a harmless mistake and get screwed.

This isn't anything to crucify him over, guys! :D

Jim March
Jim, it looks as if these posts are overwhelmingly in favor of Ventura to this point with only minor reservation. I reread them and see no evidence of crucifixion :)
I'm on Jesse's side. Like DC, I think he's a breath of fresh air and, if given half a chance, the machine will bury him deeper than dirt. You gotta love a guy who's first Proclamation is to name February 15 "Roling Stones Day".

He does need to keep his grandiosity in check though. In the argument with the pregnant lady, he move the debate into the realm of "Who ever gave me anything?" The average voter is turned off by who cares? If he turns out to be be a serious and honorable player, I'd have him run for President.

Please don't misunderstand me, I think he should stick to his normal methods and say:

"I'm the freakin' govorner, If I wanna drive one of my National Gaurd tanks to the Capitol, who can say anything?"

Not be mamby-pamby about it and say it is a right available to any citizen.

For that matter, he can claim privilege as the top LEO in the state.

I have *no* problem with him carrying, I just think he it is the first issue I've seen he be "political" on.
I'll echo what the rest of you said. i don't know his stance on very many things, but damn, i like to watch him make all those talking heads squirm. like everyone else on here said i think he's assuredly a most welcomed breath of fresh air. how he'll fair in the long run, we'll just have to wait and see.

fiat justitia
I have read that the average citizen in MN cannot get a permit and that Jesse's was issued because of clout.

Better days to be,

His permit *was* issued because of his clout. There are reports that the #1 reason why he ran for governer is that he couldn't get a CCW as Mayor of one of the suburbs.

Honestly, I think the man is a self-serving individual... He's got his permit now, and the rest of us be damned. Although he has said that he'll sign anything that "looks good" on CCW that comes across his desk, he also stated that he will not do anything to help get us to that point.

Interestingly enough, he has flip-flopped on this issue. When he first began his candidacy for governer, his position was to leave the gun laws like they were. He didn't want to change anything. When he learned it could buy him votes, he started saying he was pro-gun.

I don't trust him, and if CCW passes in Minnesota, it will not be because he did it.

Q, let's be honest - we're all basically self-serving individuals. I think/hope Ventura's idea of being self serving agrees with what we want. He's no worse than Joe Politico, who wants nothing more than to maintain or increase his power.
While I think we all want to like him... after all , he seems to be the exact opposite of the type of people that want to take away our freedoms.... I am remaining officially on-the-fence... and I think we should keep a critical eye on him.. as we should all elected officials.

He could very easily turn out to be a sheep in wolf's clothing, so to speak.
