Ventura supports CCW on NPR's Fresh Air


New member
Jesse Ventura made a very cogent argument for CCW on NPR's Fresh Air today. He stated that CCW would have likely made a difference at Littleton, and generally supported CCW. I was rather impressed with him. I'll see if I can find the interview on Real Audio somewhere.
I think I may have to move again...

Any monster sized major internetworking firms out there? Or training schools needing a pistol instructor?

Move to the leftist-occupied Minnesota!? Just when I am thinking of running South...

Oh, well...I am likely stuck here and would welcome your company.
My understanding is that he turned the tables on the reporter, and gave him a little lesson on the 2nd Amendment. I wish I had heard this.

If what you know, isn't what you do, then your training is incomplete.
I saw Ventura on MSNBC's Hard Line or some such. The moderator asked about guns in the home, and Ventura said he had a lawyer friend who was giving away a big yellow sticker that said, "this is a gun-free home". No takers yet. The reporter said, "who would want to put up one of those?" Genius.

Ventura scored about 85% on my good guy meter, only dropping the ball when asked what fed agencies he would axe given the chance. He said that for every action there is an equal reaction [he did not say, "and opposite" btw], and declined to name any agency or program. Other than that, very good.

"All I ask is equal freedom. When it is denied, as it always is, I take it anyhow."
He didn't quite lose me at that point, although a better response would have been, "That's a question you ought to be asking of Republican members of Congress. I'm the governor of a STATE; Ask me what STATE agencies and programs I'd eliminate!" Sadly, from what I've heard, probably none of them... He's not exactly racking up a record as a budget cutter.
Actually on that same program Jesse explained himself as a compromise between the two extremes.
I really dont like CCW because it is unconstitutional registration of gun owners. Others see it as progress.
Jesse also calls for mandatory standards for CCW which I also oppose.
"Im sorry.You only scored 299 out of 300. No permit for you until you can control all your shots"
Never happen?

Better days to be,
