Vehicle carry...


New member
Ok guys I have Googled my hiney off and came up empty handed. I am a CHL holder in OH. I am traveling to Michigan and need to find there laws concerning where the firearm can be there.

On person?
Locked up?
In plain view?

Thanks in advance,

Can't help with Ohio. But searching the state's website can often find info needed. Or a phone call to the enforcing agency for your question.
Courtesy of my iPhone app and michigans website,1607,7-164-17334_17362_22672-60639--,00.html
Federal law expressly provides that persons may carry a firearm in their vehicles while traveling through another state provided that the possession of the weapon is legal in both the states of origin and destination and the weapon is unloaded and carried in the trunk of the vehicle or a locked container other than the glove box. See 18 U.S.C. 926a
I know my OH license is honored there. I know how to legally carry in OH. In OH you used to have to keep the firearm "in plain sight". Now you can have it on person, concealed.

Maybe I am a bit slow but I do not see any specifics on how to carry in the vehicle for CHL holders in Michigan. So any help...a specific reg on carry besides the Federal law for non-CHL's.

Thanks again,

In OH you used to have to keep the firearm "in plain sight". Now you can have it on person, concealed.
That silly law doesn't exist in Michigan, that's why you can't find it. I'm glad Ohio got rid of it.

Maybe I am a bit slow but I do not see any specifics on how to carry in the vehicle for CHL holders in Michigan. So any help...a specific reg on carry besides the Federal law for non-CHL's.
There are no specifics except for transportation by NON-CPL holders.

Just watch for the exceptions: taverns, schools, casinos arenas etc. and you'll be fine. Just like Ohio, you must inform an officer when approached. has additional links if you feel the need to read (269pg for "Firearms Laws of Michigan."

Even Michigans AG has links to

will help as beforementioned. You should be ok if you drive with said firearm on your person(example: in your pocket), in the center consel, and/or in the glovebox as long as you have in your possession your CCW permit&its honored in whichever state you are presently in. When handing over your registration+license if pulled-over, provide the CCW permit at this time while stating you have a loaded firearm in your possession.
Thanks again. I read the exerpts from the provided links and it didn't give specifics for CCW holders. Just kept it on me.

glad you made it ok

is the website I use when my family and I travel. When you click on a particular state Beentown, in the top right corner in red it will say if it is a requirement by law to notify an officer if you are pulled over while driving thru that state. Its not a bad practice either way. Also, every state as you scroll down will bring up that particular state's laws that define vehicle carry. You will find this information on every state you click on(I think the title is in green letters, but I can't remember). This helps because every state's vehicle carry laws differ in some form or another. I like that you can also click on "USA" for federal laws and other areas such as American Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Marianna Islands, Guam, etc, etc.