Vector Arms Uzi: Opinions Sought


New member
Hello Everyone,

I'm new to the full auto scene and read a great review of the full sized Uzis produced by Vector Arms, Inc. in Utah by Peter G. Kokalis in "Weapon Tests and Evaluations" which was recently released.

Does anyone own one of these guns or perhaps examined one closely?

How does it compare to other Uzi models made elsewhere?

How would you rate the quality, value, and performance of these guns?

Are they reliable? Will they feed hollowpoints or only hardball?

Which accessories are worth having?

The current going rate is $3295.00. Any way you slice it that's a lot of money and I'd love to have some qualified opinions before I plunk my cash down.

Also, does anyone know of a first rate Class III dealer in the Fort Worth (Tarrant County), Texas area?

Thanks in advance for all the help.

- Anthony
Price maybe steep, depending on whether it's a registered receiver or registered bolt. The receiver guns have the advantage of being able to change bolts and barrels to shoot different calibers with the gun. Can't change calibers and shoot full auto with the bolt gun. Uzi bolt guns are selling in Oregon for about $2600 and the receiver guns for $3000, depending on what accessories are coming with the gun. Again, these are prices for the real thing.

Never shot a gun made by Vector Arms or at least I don't think so. Have shot others though and they are great therapy. Not the most accurate guns around, but they feed very reliable with just about everything you give them. And that is the way it should be. Being able to buy the least expensive ammo you can find and go have fun.

Try Steve Wayman. I think he is in the Fort Worth area. My suggestion would be to go to and look for the good guys list. This is a list of reputable dealers. Contact one of the dealers on the list in your area and they should be happy to walk you through the process and answer any questions you may have.
If you want an Uzi SMG, Vector is the only way to go. There are a couple of dealers on that buy in quantity and sell them NIB for about $2800. Very, very few original Uzi SMG's entered the U.S., and if you find a transferable one it will cost you $8,000 or more. The rest, registered receiver and bolt guns, are converted semi-autos, and they vary widely in quality. See the comprehensive article by Thos. Hoel in the May 1998 issue of Small Arms Review. The Vector is a SMG from the ground up, not a conversion, and it carries a one-year warranty. There is simply no reason to take a chance on a conversion gun when the Vector is available. I've got two, and I couldn't be more pleased. Vector ( also sells .45 and .22LR caliber conversion kits, lots of accessories, all parts, and offers full repair services. I understand that there are fewer than 1,000 Vectors left to sell; once they are sold out, watch what happens to prices.
I actually shot a Vector yesterday and I absolutely loved it. In my opinion it is a well constructed piece of machinery with both the fit and function being flawless. As it was said in a earlier post, the Vectors are actual SMGs and not semi-conversions, plus with the warranty you really cant beat them.

You can contact Craig Simpson at 214-455-5787. He is a classIII dealer in Anna. It was his that I got to shoot yesterday and today Im counting my pennies. If you would like to try one out before you buy he is more than willing to let you test his and sit around and talk the bull with you. He has a web page its

If you would like another dealer closer to home I can recommend Steave Wayman. He is located in Dallas and is a great guy. Ive dealt with him and he has always been polite and tried his best to answer my 15,000 questions. You can call him at 214-841-9962 or get him on his mobile at 214-534-9526.

I don't see how you could go wrong with a Vector, they are great little guns.

If you call either of these guys let them know that Mike VanSant sent ya.....Hope that helps a little.

Talk about coincidences - - -

I just became interested in the Vactor Uzis recently and had a nice phone conversation with Steve Waymans. I plan to go to Dallas and visit with him sometime in the next week.

Further coincidence--I was at Dallas Market Hall Gun Show this morning and chatted with Nick Tilotta. He runs Western Firearms Company, P. O. Box 151, Grapevine, Texas 76099, 817-481-6616. His web site is

Nick also gives the Vector Uzis very high marks. I have not bought anything from him but have facilitated several Forms 4 for guns he sold to Denton County residents. A couple of them were repeat customers of Nick's and I haven't heard any complaints about him, his business practices, or his products.

FYI--Both Nick and Steve--Actually, I think he spells his name "Steave"--quoted me the $3,295 as the going price for a new Vector. I do believe this is probably the ONLY brand-new, transferrable (non-dealer, non-LE, non-military) machine gun you can buy with a manufacturer warrants. Such a deal. I'm trying to get some bucks together before they're all gone.

Best regards,
Another wierd coincidence....

I had talked to Steave over the phone about 10 times working out a deal on some guns I was buying and that was the only contact I had had with him. I had never met him in person or even knew what he looked like, I had all the paperwork done and paid my bill through the mail.

Anyways, one day Im sitting at home watching the History Channel-Tales of the Gun and BAM! There is Steave Wayman showing off and demonstrating a gun right there on the History Channel. Can anybody guess what gun it was that he was talking about? If you guess an UZI :eek: you would be right......
