Vatican miffed as Beretta uses Jubilee name for firearm model


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This from the Guardian newspaper, London, UK,4273,3938809,00.html

Gunmaker's Jubilee has the Vatican over a barrel
Philip Willan in Rome

Tuesday December 7, 1999

Beretta, the Italian gun manufacturer, has decided to name two of its new products in honour of the Jubilee, the Roman Catholic celebration of the millennium. The Vatican is furious.

The two 12-bore double-barrelled shotguns are presented in the December issue of the specialist magazine Arms and Shooting under the headline: The Pope would like them.

Jubilee and Jubilee II are both decorated by hand and link the name of the historic north Italian gunmaker with Catholic celebrations for the 2000th anniversary of the birth of Jesus Christ.

This marriage of the sacred and the profane has not amused Misna, a Catholic missionary news agency, which said the naming of the guns revealed a total lack of understanding of the meaning of the Jubilee and a failure to heed Pope John Paul's repeated calls for disarmament.

Massimo Vallino, the editor of Arms and Shooting, said: "The Jubilee of the year 2000 is being celebrated by Beretta with an 'over and under' and a conventional double-barrelled shotgun decorated for the occasion with ultra-refined engravings, extraordinary woods and apparently minor details, which, in reality, make all the difference."

He went on: "It should be quite clear that we didn't want to provoke or make fun of anybody.

"The missionaries are right if they are referring to the arms trade, but these are sports products: the 'over and under' is very similar to the gun that won the gold and bronze for Italy in the 1996 Olympics."

Mr Vallino insisted that the Pope, who used to be a keen sportsman, would appreciate the guns.

For Misna, however, Jubilee and Jubilee II, which cost more than £5,000 each to buy, constitute the worst possible way to mark the Jubilee.

The money would be better used to compensate the populations of the developing world, "who have had to spit blood and live in poverty in order to pay the debts contracted by their governments in order to buy arms, including the vast range produced by Beretta", the news agency said.

Misna expressed the hope that no one would celebrate the birth of Jesus by buying a Beretta Jubilee, but that prospective buyers would send an equivalent amount of money to help write off third world debt or finance the retraining of child soldiers in Sierra Leone.

Michele Serra, a commentator for the Rome daily newspaper La Repubblica, disagreed that the guns' names caused offence.

"Compared to the words 'In God We Trust' printed on dollar bills, the Jubilee shotgun is really the most innocent of inventions," Mr Serra said.

Turning filthy lucre into elegant firearms was, he suggested, "a laudable form of money-laundering".

Gun Control: The proposition that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her own panty hose, is more acceptable than allowing that same woman to defend herself with a firearm.
He that has no Beretta double-barrel scattergun, let him sell his garment and buy one. :)

"If your determination is fixed, I do not counsel you to despair. Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance."
-- Samuel Johnson
Perhaps the Vatican would like to crack open their overstuffed coffers and pay off some of the victims of the inquisition and some of the other assorted atrocities they tacitly supported.

Oops, is my cynicism showing?

"Every decent man must be ashamed of his government." H.L. Mencken
My, my, my.

I suppose the same Vatican spokescritter would like to de-canonize Saint Gabriel Possenti, also.

After all, he's the Patron Saint of that Eeeee-vil discipline: Marksmanship.

What IS that word I'm trying to cough up? hack, hoc, hypocrit, choke, hack.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>This marriage of the sacred and the profane has not amused Misna, a Catholic missionary news agency, which said the naming of the guns revealed a total lack of understanding of the meaning of the Jubilee and a failure to heed Pope John Paul's repeated calls for disarmament. [/quote]

Did they just call the Vatican profane? :D

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
The Rock says this, now you know why The Rock doesn't attend Catholic mass anymore. Those jabronis are just as useless as the rest of them hypocritical phony so-called "christians".
The Rock also says this: The Rock doesn't want to hear any monkey piss religious arguments from anyone a la either.
And remember:
It doesn't matter what you think to The Rock!

The Rock
3rd is back.
Yeah...the Church is concerned I may spend the money on a Beretta instead sending it on to some "needy" types. Like Ipecac said...break those coffers open and use that centuries of accumulated treasure for some good cause.

Alas...I won't spend the dinero as I don't have it, so its a moot point...but, if I did have it I would, since the Vatican doesn't want me to.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
With all due respect to His Holiness the Pope needs to put his money where his mouth is and have his Swiss Guards give up their Sig pistols and 550 rifles.
Indeed, it's also my understanding that those umbrella stands outside of the papal apartment contain SMG's made M12's, I believe. For those times when a halberd just won't do.
I'll be damned if I take my orders from a gang of anachronistic men who wear dresses and conduct business (it is business?) out of the world's largest palace. Now you know why I'm a recovering catholic. Somebody once described the pope as the most dangerous man in the world. No argument from me.
Maybe Mr. Pope and the rest of the Vatican should lead by example rather than by advice. Heck the man's funny hat could probably pay off the debt of some small country, not to mention his gold staff. What a bunch of hypocrites. And they wonder why organized religion is loosing membership.
"Bore" is the European designation for "gauge".

As a bit of side trivia, shotgun designations are provided by taking a pound of lead and using it to cast pellets that are the same diameter as the bore (inside diameter) of the shotgun. The number of pellets made indicates the designation.

Thus, if one pound of lead makes 12 pellets the same size as the interior of your shotgun--you have a 12 gauge (or bore).

This system works for 4, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 28 and 32 gauge shotguns. The exception is the .410, which is the calibre of the barrel. A .410 is, if I'm not mistaken, actually a 68 gauge. I'll have to check up on that.

The system of casting lead balls was rendered obsolete some time ago, to be replaced by a general calibre definition.

Sorry to get so long-winded.
