Varmint Rifle vs non.


Hi All,
I've been a reader here for a bit and it has been both informative and a pleasure to see the widely varying personalities. I'm considering a Tikka T3 Varmint SS in .308 for hunting deer, caribou, Maine moose (if lucky), etc. My question is two-fold.
1) At just 6 lbs 10 ou., should the Varmint classification of the gun dissuade me from buying it for still hunting, etc? I like the way the gun looks and don't see why it wouldn't work beautifully for non-varmint hunts. It's not heavy and the barrel is under 24".
2) Does anyone have any feedback on the Tikka Varmint models?
Thanks very much,
"Still hunt" as in sneaky-snake, slow walking through woods? If so, Light Is Good.

My Rem 700Ti with scope, sling and ammo is 6.5 pounds, total. The recoil of the 7mm08 off the benchrest is not at a problem. In the field, it's not at all noticeable.

Don't forget you'll add the weight of sling, ammo and (I guess) a scope and mounts. That will add around 1.5 pounds to the package.

Tikkas have a good reputation. If the rifle fits you (length of pull, drop of the stock), it oughta work just fine.

tangent.... Art, when you 'sneaky snake', are you on hands & knees or just walking? And when you stop, how long do you stop for - 30 seconds, 1 min, 2 min, 5 min, what? And about how many steps taken between stops?

On the Tikka varmint, it should work fine - only thing I can think of is twist rate. If it's 1 in 12 or 1 in 13ish, then it'll work fine with everything up to 168 or 174 gr. But if you want to go after very large game with 180 or 190 grainers, you're gonna want a 1 in 10 twist rate. Being designated varmint, it may have the former, not the latter...??
Twist Rate

Twist Rate is listed as 1/11" in a 23 3/8 inch barrel. I do want to use the rifle for caribou in September and moose if I ever actually win the freakin lottery. :)
Quiet and slow-moving. In woods country, I'll take a few slow steps and lean up against a tree and watch for a bit. Parallel a trail, but not walk in it. If I can see into a clearing, I'll sit and watch the edges.

Deer seem alert to vertical moving objects, moreso than horizontal. If I'm forced to move across an open area, I'll bend over and move slow. But I can't do that for very long, so it's mostly stay in or near brush and just move slowly without jerky motions.

And don't move with any rhythm. Not even deer are totally silent. Step, pause; step, step, pause...Think "Fit In". :)
