Variety.....Spice of life?


New member
30-06 and 220 Swift....Anyone else ever carried 2 rifles to the stand? I could'nt make up my mind....High fire-power for hogs or long range for yotes....Ended up a song-dog went down that afternoon.....:)


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I usually leave a 22LR rifle in my stand thru the deer season. If some varmit shows its little head I can pick it off without the big bang of my deer rifle. I see bobcats, yotes, crows, etc alot and it is fun to nail them once in a while.
Sure do I hunt large bean feilds in SO.GA & the chance for Deer,hogs,yotes,bobcats,armadillas,come often & @ all different ranges.Some of the hogs are pretty good size. so I use a 25-06 & 300WM a good bit. No stands mostly blinds & shootin stations-bench & chair on fence rows.;)
Yup I do. Sometimes three rifles even. (If you don't count my CCP.) up in my stand w/me.

25-06- /for deer over 75 yards away. 100 gr. Nosler B/Tips @ 3500 fps. Scope doesn't dial down below 4-1/2 power.

32 Special /for deer under 75 yards. 182 gr. Lyman cast. Ol' 94 w/ barrel sights is the Best at it.

22 rifle /w/short for rabbits and partridge quite often seen and to belly bump those ones I don't want hanging around.
A few years back, I carried a .30-40 Krag and a 7.62x54R at the same time. ..but not to a stand. I was stalking Antelope.

I'd hate to know I had to stalk with 2 rifles.... The heavy one might get left behind on a fence row.... :D
I'd hate to know I had to stalk with 2 rifles.... The heavy one might get left behind on a fence row....
I REALLY wanted to take an animal with the Krag, but it was having some issues at the time. Since the Mosin (7.62x54R) also needed to draw blood, I took it as the backup.

It seemed like a good idea at the time.... :rolleyes:
I've found myself carrying two rifles at the same time to a stand, mine and the Lady's, but not with any intention of using them both.
SPEMack618...I have done this the past....U see my wife is very into hunting..but it seems nowdays..she wants to carry her own....She has become more and more independent..although it is still a joint venture....