Variations in match ammo lots: Eley “Lot Analyzer”


New member
I was looking at the Eley precision .22 ammo site where they offer a lot analyzer to tell you the difference in 2 different lots.
Question for you match shooters that are meticulous measuring purchased match ammo: How much variation do you see lot to lot?
When I was still shooting small bore match seriously, both rifle and pistol, I noticed enough difference between lots that I would buy my ammunition by the case and be sure that all the ammunition going too a match was from the same lot to avoid any deviation in poi. I also tested my match guns to determine what ammunition shot the smallest groups and keep a stock for each gun. The variation in the poi between lots is relatively small maybe 1/8 to 1/4 inch at the worst but even when shooting a 50 foot indoor course that is enough to significantly impact scores.
My experience told me the extreme high end ammo[ELEY Red Tenex] was very close lot to lot. At my level of shooting I could not tell. The greatest deviations came with the lower grades. Later found that the lower grade could typically have two different lots within a case. Learned that the hard way.
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