Vanguard S2 Sling Swivels


New member
I just registered and posted this over on Weatherby Nation. Thought it may not hurt to post it here as well. Thanks in advance for any help and my apologies for being 'long winded'.

I bought my first Vanguard I believe around 20 years ago. Back when they were exclusive to 'WallyWorld' and only available in four standard calibers. I chose a 7mm Remington Magnum, though now I've no clue why because it's far more gun than is needed where I live. It came mounted in a synthetic stock originally, but I lucked into a beautiful brand new wood 'take off' some time later for a song, so now it shines when residing in the safe. Not as shiny as its Mark V neighbors, but a beauty in it's own right.

That rifle came from the factory with a set of steel sling swivels, nice ones that require you to simply 'push' the mechanism rather than twist an ugly and unnecessary knurled locking mechanism. Personal preference but I can't stand those, they just seem cheap to me. The 30.06 that I picked up many years later also came with a factory set of quality steel 'push button' sling swivels. The Mark Vs in .240 and .300 Wby Mag that I've purchased through the years have as well. Again too much gun, but I do love 'em fast and flat!

This Christmas I picked up two of the Vanguard Sport models in .308 for my sons as Christmas gifts. Not Mark Vs, but quality rifles in wood furniture that are beautiful in their own right, and should provide them many years of reliable service long after I'm gone. That was my intent for their first center fire hunting rifles.

I set them 'up' so to speak, as I've done with every Christmas firearm gift for them. They are getting optics, mounts, leather slings, and hard cases for transport and storage, and a reasonable supply of ammunition. I found some hand made bridle leather slings that are of surprising quality and craftsmanship for the price point and should last their lifetimes. Thing is, these slings did not come with swivels, and unfortunately neither did their rifles. I suppose that Weatherby is trying to save a buck or two by no longer providing them with their rifles. A pity, but understandable with the times.

So out I go searching for a quality steel sling swivel that lacks that horrendous knurled locking knob that for what ever reason I simply detest. Talon makes what seems to be a reasonable quality one for a fair price, (though I've no clue why they left the angled edges and didn't round them off), and I purchased two sets of 1 inch. Pretty much everyone else out there uses that silly lock knob.

Mounted the swivels on the slings and began to attach them to the rifles. The front slid into the stud on the first rifle fine, all be it snug. The rear however would not even begin to slip into the stud on the buttstock, it was obviously too large in diameter. I tried the swivel that had attached to the front but no dice. It seems that the studs differ from front to rear on the rifle regarding hole diameter, which makes no sense but that is in fact the case. I figured it had to be a fluke, and proceeded to try different combinations of sling swivels between the two rifles to no avail. The hole in the front stud is of a larger diameter than the hole in the rear stud on both rifles. The Talon swivels fit in the front but not in the rear, won't even start. In fact one of the front studs on one of the rifles is set deeper into the stock, so that when the swivel is attached it remains perpendicular to the stock and will not articulate without damaging the wood.

At this point I'm a bit frustrated not to mention disappointed. Doing a search on the Weatherby web site does not provide any way to purchase sling swivels that will work in the rifles. Emailing Weatherby customer support has been unanswered unfortunately. I'm out of time for Christmas, which disappoints and frustrates me even more.

Has anyone else run into this problem? Have you found a brand of quality made steel swivel that would work that does not have that fugly knurled locking knob?

Thanks in advance for any help,
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OK, I'll bite. I, personally prefer the "locking swivels" but if you don't, I'm not disputing your choice.
You could remove the undersized studs and drill the hole to fit the swivels but this would leave the hole subject to rusting unless kept oiled(or douse them with cold blue).
My suggestion would be to find some Uncle Mikes sling studs and replace the rear studs. Since I don't know how skilled you might be, I don't want to suggest something that's difficult but changing the stud is easy. If the front swivels are too short, a spacer is needed and many UM sets come with "whiteline spacers" if you can live with that. If not, a spacer can be made from most any thin(1/16") semi-stiff plastic. I've made a couple from the black plastic display packaging that the (Menards) mid-weight ratchet straps come in. Cutting the little 1/4" circle can be tough w/o a punch. If you use a spacer, you'll need to apply some glue(epoxy, Gorilla , weather resistant something) so the stud remains tight.
I appreciate your post Mobuck. I did actually go to a local Bass Pro Shop and selected the locking type swivels and asked to try fitting them into the two different Vanguards that they had on their shelves. Lo and behold they fit perfectly, so I purchased them. Once I got them home I was in the same boat, rear studs too small to accept them. That was yesterday.
Today, I stopped at a local gun shop and purchased two sets of Blackhawk brand swivels with the studs included which also contained the spacers. I replaced the rear studs on both rifles and used one spacer underneath front and rear on each as well. All set now, just with the fugly locking knobs and some hoops cleared that never should've existed.
Out of curiosity I did try the Blackhawk in the rear studs, no dice. So three brands, Blackhawk, Red Head, and Talon would fit into the front stud but not into the rear one on both rifles.
I am convinced that this is a quality control issue and am very disappointed in Weatherby. I've still no response to my email from them, but will practice patience and give them a reasonable amount of time to do so. Should they not respond timely, you can bet I'll be writing a letter along with a phone call or two. Obviously not an insurmountable problem but I would have expected better of a $700 rifle. I am very disappointed in Weatherby for the first time.
Turk I've had to send weatherby a couple emails over the years and they always replied swiftly and positively. I'm guessing maybe they are off for Christmas this week if they still havnt responded.
Weatherby did respond on the 22nd, but were closed the 23rd through the 28th for the holiday. They asked that I send them the rifles back for service to correct the problem. To me that seems like it would be too much trouble considering the actual issue, so I counter offered that same day and am waiting now on their response. I am glad that they did respond and I'll update as to the outcome when it's done.
No response came between the Christmas and New Year holidays, but I would think that was to be expected. I sent another email to bump the issue on the 3rd, but still no answer so today I phoned them. Referenced the email exchange over the phone to the woman I spoke with. She did pull them up and read them, after which she agreed to send me new rear studs for the rifles free of charge. She then went on to say that she would include factory swivels that she would see to it that they fit. I had requested that they sell me swivels in each of my emails to them, and indicated that I was not looking for any handouts, but she insisted. I am very pleased with the outcome, though still disappointed by the initial issue with the rifles, but I don't believe that Weatherby could have been any more accommodating, just a bit slow on the draw is all.