Value of Thompson used in St. Valentine's Day Massacre?

Rich Jone

I recently had the opportunity to actually see & touch the Thompson submachine gun (Model 1921) that was used in the ACTUAL St. Valentine's Day Massacre. I wanted to buy it, but the owner refused.

Question: what is the approximate value of such a gun with such historical evidence?

P.S. -- Yes, I was in disbelief that this was (1) of the actual guns used, until the owner had a book (History of the Thompson Submachine Gun) verifying the serial number with the the one used in the event.
When you consider the fact that the gun in question was probably directly responsible for the enactment of the National Fireams Act and the beginning of federal "Gun Control", the historical value of the piece becomes unimaginable. Guns used in famous or infamous incidents become "Folklore Artifacts".

The 10 guage double barreled Geener shotgun used by Doc Holladay at the OK Corral recently sold at auction or almost $250,000.00

Uncle Jack

"If you put the first two where they belong, everything else is rhetoric and theory."
As they say on Antiques Roadshow, if it were put up for auction, it would likely start at $500,000 and go up from there. If you were serious about buying it, let's get together some time. I need a small loan...

Hi, Alex,

In (I think) 1929, Al Capone's mob gunned down some of rival Bug Moran's gang in a garage in Chicago. Two of the killers were dressed as cops (in Chicago, they may actually have been cops), and carried Thompson Submachineguns. The victims were unarmed. The investigation was one of the first where forensic firearms identification evidence was used to determine how many shots were fired from each gun.

The combination of this, plus other gangland use of machineguns, plus race riots that fueled fears of blacks with machineguns, led eventually to passage of the National Firearms Act, since incorporated into the Gun Control Act of 1968.

It is worth noting that racism is the dirty little secret behind every gun control law ever passed in this country, no matter what excuse is used at the time.

For more info, do a search on valentine+massacre; there is a lot of info out there.
