Value of the Dollar


New member
I've noticed a few threads of late concerning the rising cost of gasoline and ammunition.

I would submit to you all that the real culprit is the ever decreasing value of our dollar. I would further submit that it is the absence of a gold standard and the ability of the 12 private banks that make up the Federal Reserve to print as much money as they like.

It was claimed at the creation of the Federal Reserve that it would cause price stability, but look at this chart from two years ago:


Near zero inflation for 150 years, but in the past 50 years, especially after 1971, the consumer price index in this chart took off --
- — Inflating prices more than 1,000 times higher.

Prior to 1913, a period of relatively stable prices, there was no Federal Reserve Bank. This chart calls into question the stated purpose of creating a Federal Reserve in 1913 to assure price stability, when thereafter prices soared instead of becoming more stable. This chart appears to shout that > > the Federal Reserve was created for the purpose of generating inflation.

Consider the words of the Federal Reserve's own Alan Greenspan “In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. There is no safe store of value.”

Fiat money is to blame for our current inflationary woes, enriching the banks of the Federal Reserve while harming all of us. Here are the names of nine of them Rothschild Banks of London and Berlin, Lazard Brothers Banks of Paris, Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy, Warburg Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam, Lehman Brothers of NY, Kuhn, Loeb Bank of NY (Now Shearson American Express), Goldman, Sachs of NY, National Bank of Commerce NY/Morgan Guaranty Trust (J. P. Morgan Bank - Equitable Life - Levi P. Morton are principal shareholders), Hanover Trust of NY (William and David Rockefeller & Chase National Bank NY are principal shareholders).

1791-1811: Rothschilds’ First Bank of the United States

1816-1836: Rothschilds’ Second Bank of the United States

1837-1862: Free Banking Era - no formal Central Bank through the efforts of President Andrew Jackson

1862-1913: System of National Banks through the efforts of President Andrew Jackson

1913-Current: Federal Reserve Act effects a consortium of privately held and associated banks called the Federal Reserve Bank. The largest shareholders of the Federal Reserve Bank are the Rothschilds of London holding 57% of the stock which is not available for public trading.

On May 23, 1933, Congressman Louis T. McFadden brought impeachment charges against the members of the Federal Reserve Bank. A smear campaign against McFadden ensued and he was poisoned 3 years later.

All of the above are the facts as I know them, I do not pretend to have a solution and I realize the situation is daunting and mind boggling.

We have almost no one in government or on the national stage talking about this serious and very real problem facing America. Those that do go the way of the late Congressman McFadden.

What can be done?
BANKERS PRINT MONEY at heavily armed & guarded Federal Reserve Bank buildings throughout the US. Then these private bankers of the Federal Reserve *loan* the money to the US government at *interest.*

Since the Federal Reserve Bank is privately owned, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (and all the others) are listed in Dun & Bradstreet. Except according to Article I, Section 8 of the U. S. Constitution, only Congress has the right to issue money and regulate its value.

Thus it is *illegal* for private interests to issue US money, because the influential founders of the Federal Reserve like Paul Warburg and Jacob Schiff bribed into enactment the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, the stockholders of the Federal Reserve Bank were to be kept a secret. Only recently have the stockholders of the Federal Reserve Bank come to light.

Abolishing the Federal Reserve will allow Congress to reassert its Constitutional authority over monetary policy. The Constitution does not give Congress the authority to delegate control over monetary policy to a Central Bank. Let's put an end to the manipulation of the money supply which erodes Americans’ standard of living and enriches the well-connected elites.

I constantly read threads and posts of those concerned with the rulings of SCOTUS and the true meanings of the COTUS, could Article I, Section 8 of the U. S. constitution be any clearer?

I constantly see posts and threads debating the War on Terror and other world security problems.

The greatest threat facing America today is not terrorism or illegal immigration. The greatest threat is the shameless deficit spending of our government and Federal Reserve currency devaluation. The Press sometimes criticizes Federal Reserve policy but the validity of the fiat system itself is never challenged. History shows that when the destruction of monetary value becomes rampant, the political structure becomes unstable. We then have good reason to be concerned about the future of our nation.

Congress could abolish the Fed tomorrow, but I think we all no why they do not.
I have a strong suspicion that this thread isn't really about the value of the dollar. It's actually about Ron Paul.

Maybe it's time you got into some currency trading. What was the Euro worth about 5 years ago? Shoulda traded in some Benjamins, yeah?

The global economy as it is can't handle a switch of the $ to the gold standard. Deal with it.

Another thing - have you noticed the awesome increase of European tourists to America? Or the amount of goods and services the US are exporting now? Don't worry about the dollar. It'll level out soon enough. Or at least wait till Americans stop maxing out their credit cards. Massive, massive debt in the hands of private citizens ain't helping out the dollar so much. Don't be so quick to blame the government.
Don't be so quick to blame the government.

I'm blaming the Private banks of the Federal Reserve.

What part of Article I, Section 8 of the U. S. Constitution do you not understand.

Don't worry about the dollar. It'll level out soon enough.

Oh ya it's really leveling out its worth approximately .07 cents of a 1950 dollar.
The global economy as it is can't handle a switch of the $ to the gold standard. Deal with it.

No the people who couldn't handle it is the people that own the banks of the federal reserve. And don't tell me how adversely it would effect the shareholders because the stock is privately held by a select group.

THERE IS NOTHING “Federal” about the Federal Reserve Bank. In other words, the Federal Reserve is not “federal” and it does not have any “reserves.” The Bankers, who own the Federal Reserve Bank, print money with interest but without any backing, and would like to keep their “federal” banking cartel a secret.
The biggest problem with being off the gold standard is that without a base for our monetary system there is nothing to keep the government from printing up any amount of money that it fight overseas conflicts, provide foreign aid, etc.

The Constitution essentially states that only gold and silver may be used as our current fiat currency is unconstitutional.
there is nothing to keep the government from printing up any amount of money that it needs.

The government Does not print money.

BANKERS PRINT MONEY at heavily armed & guarded Federal Reserve Bank buildings throughout the US. Then these private bankers of the Federal Reserve *loan* the money to the US government at *interest.*
It is all a sham. Once again...

THERE IS NOTHING “Federal” about the Federal Reserve Bank. In other words, the Federal Reserve is not “federal” and it does not have any “reserves.” The Bankers, who own the Federal Reserve Bank, print money with interest but without any backing, and would like to keep their “federal” banking cartel a secret.

They have no backing to the currency they print. It is all a sham designed to enrich the owners of the Federal Reserve.
The Bureau of Engraving and Printing, an entity of the Federal Gubmint, prints the money for the Federal Reserve. You can visit them at Washington D.C. and it's right off the National Mall.
Ok lets say for the sake of argument the banks of the Federal Reserve do not dictate and control how much money is printed and the interest the Government must pay on that currency.

We are still in the same situation.

Whether it's the private banks of the Federal Reserve or the government or them both hand in hand we are still on the losing end.

Wealth cannot be created by a printing press.
So you dont understand economics at all, or why we went off the Gold Standard? In a nutshell staying on it was impossible, because we don't mine, and couldn't buy, enough gold to pay all of the demands for redemption of our currency from foreign governments.

If you dont print enough money to meet the demands of the economy for a medium of exchange commensurate with the volume of goods and services, you have an even worse problem than inflation, a liquidity crisis, and it prevents economic growth.

Take some economics courses at the college or even high school level and you will gain the understanding you currently lack.:)
If you dont print enough money to meet the demands of the economy for a medium of exchange commensurate with the volume of goods and services, you have an even worse problem than inflation, a liquidity crisis, and it prevents economic growth.


Lots of things began happening in force in the 70s. Look at the amount of purchased good manufactured in the USA vs Overseas starting in the 70s...
Our currency is basically an I.O.U backed by the solvency of the person who gave it to you. Maybe this will let you sleep better at night.
Our currency is basically an I.O.U backed by the solvency of the person who gave it to you.

I remember watching a show on the History Channel about U.S. currency. They were talking to people of the Denver Mint and the Federal Reserve. I remember them both saying that U.S. currency, since it is no longer backed by gold, actually is just worthless paper and the value it has is backed only by peoples faith in that currency.

In other words, he said a one dollar bill is worth something only because people believe it is. Peoples faith/belief in a currency give it value.

Not sure if thats all there is to it, but I doubt it.
In other words, he said a one dollar bill is worth something only because people believe it is. Peoples faith/belief in a currency give it value.


Money was created because it was not convenient to carry around your cow and hack pieces off of it to buy supplies.

At first it took the form of precious metal coins which had their own value.

Now the value of currency is what we can buy with it, not the material it is made of or some hunk of gold sitting in a vault.

I really do not see a problem with this. Even gold is of subjective value. If we are all starving, you have all the food and I have gold which item is worth more?

If you have a real problem with saving paper currency not backed by gold then place purchase commodities like gold, silver and oil in which you have more faith.
I really do not see a problem with this. Even gold is of subjective value. If we are all starving, you have all the food and I have gold which item is worth more?

Someone who understands!!!! Gold's value is by fiat!!!! Its worthless!!! You cant eat it, wear it, drink it, or wipe your butt with it!! If we are in the desert with 1000 miles to walk and I have 100 pounds of water but no gold and you have 100 pounds of gold, who will walk out alive? I sure won"t trade my water for your gold if survival is the name of the game!!

When the SHTF which is more valuable food, water, and ammo or Gold???;)
Gold has more stability than the paper stuff, that's why it is preferred. These days with the increased demand for it, it is gaining value and not losing it. Right now a dollar today is worth 14 cents three decades ago or less. Gold doesn't have that problem and that's A VERY BIG PROBLEM. Anti inflation aspect is one thing I love about the gold standard. The real thing I love about the gold standard, and the very reason it was done away with, is that it limits government spending and taxation. They can't spend infinitely while on the gold standard because they can't make up money that doesn't exist--if it's not backed by metals, it doesn't exist. We need the gold standard for that reason alone. It effectively tells the government no, and we need more of that.
When the SHTF which is more valuable food, water, and ammo or Gold???

Great quote from of all movies... Gremlins 2.

While anarchy reigns the mutated "Intelligent" Gremlin is on a financial television show in the studio stating

"We advise all our investors to stock up on shotguns and canned food!"

Enough hilarity.

There is no going back to gold. Gold was worth X then and is worth Y now but how much more can you really buy with it when you also look at the change in prices over the years. Not much. There are times when the increase in value in gold is ahead of inflation and times when it is behind. Part of the problem is money in gold does NOTHING.

Whether backed by some mineral or solely the perceived value of what it can buy all value is subjective. 1,000 head of cattle are worthless to the man who needs water to live, unless they can be traded for that water. The same with gold. The same with paper currency.

As far as returning to gold to control spending... Locking the currency to minerals in a vault will result in a liquidity crisis, especially when part of the global economy and dealing with other nations who are not hamstrung by a gold standard. We have a hard enough time competing without that additional problem.
Even gold is manipulated. Our basic banking policies are direct decendants of the goldsmiths. Goldsmiths learned long ago, they could print more "receipts" of gold, than gold they had on hand. Therefore fractional reserve banking birthed into existence. The problem with money is not the medium, it is dishonesty, greed and power hungry individuals. Most people are content to "free trade", however, there are a few who love to screw-it for the rest of us. Gold is not the answer, honesty and selflessness will do more for mankinds financial woes, than any physical "standard". If we do go to a gold standard, who benefits. Be it the federal reserve in New York probably has the largest reserves of gold in the world, therefore, will they set the price? The US government is defunct of gold, it was given to the Federal Reserve for collateral on future debts. However, a little gold or silver on hand is never a bad idea. Neither is ammo, food, water and skills. Gold is not the Manna from heavan, it is another "standard", it can and will be manipulated.