Value Help: Springfield Trapdoor Mod 1878


New member
I'm trying to help a friend get an idea of the value on some old guns he wants to sell. This one is a Springfield Trapdoor .45-70 with bayonet dated 1878.







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Nice looking rifle, would love to have a bayonet for mine. I would post the photos over on the Culver site, there are a couple of Trapdoor experts there.
Dragonflydf said:
...I would post the photos over on the Culver site, there are a couple of Trapdoor experts there.
I'm not familiar with the site & my google search didn't help much. Could you post a link to the site?

Thanks for your interest & help!
This "expert" is good enough to tell you that it is a Model 1873 (there is no Model 1878) and that your second picture is flipped.

That serial number dates to 1885.

That rifle is in pretty poor condition, with all the original finish gone from the metal and the wood. The lack of finish appears not be the result of wear, but the result of intentional "cleaning" possibly to remove heavy rust and wood finish deterioration. It appears to be complete, but with little or no collector value. It might be of interest to a beginning collector who just wants an example of a Springfield "trapdoor", but that is about it.

I would estimate the value, at retail, to be $200 or so.

Bore condition is also very important. Without being able to look at it in person, I would the value closer to $500 with the bayonet.

If he'll take $200 for it, I take it today!

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Was in a Gander Mtn store, just north of Houston, a few days ago and they had three trap door rifles like yours. As to their condition compared to yours, externally, probably better, but they wee behind the counter and did not examine them. Mind you, to me, Ganders prices always seemed on the high side for any firearms they sell. So, fWIW, each of their trap doors was priced over $1250.

Know gent in his mid 70s, who has a long rifle trap door displayed on his den's wall and its a darn nice one. He was a machinist by trade, but has done gun smithing on the side for well over 40 years. Pretty talented too, at making rifle stocks from a piece of wood. Anyway, took a rifle to him one day for a new barrel to be put on and was again admiring the trap door rifle. Never did ask him what it was worth..... but, he'd already told me it was his pride and joy, so to speak, and that he'd never sell it.
I have to agree Gander is way overpriced on a lot of their used firearms. I've made some good deals with them, but the prices as marked they won't come down on. Just lucky on my part, I guess or my timing was perfect.