Va - Vcdl Update 09/24/07


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VCDL UPDATE 09/24/07 - Defending your right to defend yourself
1. Virginia Court of Appeals ruling further defines 'concealed'
2. VCDL Surveys in the mail to candidates -- contact your representatives
3. Looking for anyone in Virginia who knows of . . .
4. Disturbing video of legally-armed citizen harrassed in Norfolk
5. U.S. Congressman Goodlatte pushes for national carry reciprocity
6. Democratic Party of Virginia pays for gun bashing attack ad
7. So, only police w/guns on campus are best protection?
8. Another university writer questions the VT report
9. Open carry update in Alexandria, VA
10. VCDL table attracts two different police officers at Norfolk gun show
11. (In)justice favors anti-gun Sheriff
12. Maryland now demands mental records of gun-buyers
13. Member's LTE in Popular Mechanics
14. Miami cop killed - criminal used stolen ID
15. Candidate Fred Thompson speaks against gun limits
16. How to make your semi-auto blow up in your hand
17. Delaware situation: Why would you need a gun around campus?
18. British publication describes the real-world results of gun control
19. Why do we need to carry in National Parks? - tourist killed at Grand Canyon
20. Giuliani, Romney Shifts Fail to Allay Gun Owners' Suspicions
21. EDITORIAL: Give schools a choice to be tougher targets
22. Terrorists looking at schools, including Virginia schools
23. Ruminations on police misconduct
24. Gun shows and events!

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