VA NRA Members


New member
I just received a letter from the NRA saying there would be a rally in Richmond and two other VA cities. However, I'm confused by the date. In the text it says on October 19. However, it says that it would held on Wednesday. Since Wednesday is the 18th, anyone know which day it actually is?? I would like to attend the meeting in Richmond, so I'd appreciate any input. I called the phone number listed, but they were closed this evening.


SnakeLover, Here's a reprint of what I found on the NRA-ILA website:

Attention NRA members in Virginia! You should have received, or will soon receive, an invitation to several events in the Old Dominion featuring NRA President Charlton Heston, NRA EVP Wayne LaPierre, and NRA-ILA Executive Director James Jay Baker. Unfortunately, the invitation contained a slight mistake.

The events will all be taking place on THURSDAY, October 19, 2000 (the letter inadvertently listed the day of the event as a Wednesday, although the date was correct). Please share this information with your fellow NRA members who may have received the original invitation, but do not receive this FAX Alert.

Virginia NRA members may call the Grassroots Division at (800) 392-8683 if they have any further questions.

Here are the dates and locations I received from the VSSA:

Thursday, Oct. 19, 2000 7:30 am
Roanoke, VA
Hotel Roanoke & Conference Center

Thursday, Oct. 19, 2000 Noon
Chesapeake, VA
Chesapeake Conference Center

Thursday, Oct. 19, 2000 6:00 pm
Richmond, VA
Hotel John Marshall
101 N. Fifth Street
Just got back from tonight's rally in Richmond. Was pleasantly surprised by the number of people there. I'd guess around 400, the room was packed! There were also about a dozen protestors outside, let's see if their airtime on the news is proportionate to their numbers.

Baker, LaPierre and Heston spoke to the crowd, encouraging everyone to vote. Good to be among friends!!