Va Ccw


New member
Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but here I go:

I just turned 21 in July and got my first handgun. I'd like to take this in the woods with me CC when i'm hunting, but I've lost my Hunter's Education card (years ago) and when i called they couldn't find me in the database (i was somewhere between 8-12). well, i'd like to have a CCW permit in time for bow season (oct. 1) and was thinking about enrolling in a CCW class. The only problem is that i'm having trouble finding offered classes. I know the range in Roanoke offers CCW classes on the 1st and 3rd sat. of each month, but i'll be moving back to VT and don't have time to attend these classes. also, the ones in sept. fall on VT football game weekends, and if there's one thing i love more than hunting and shooting it's hokie football. if anyone from VA knows of an offered class in the Roanoke / Blacksburg area, or if you know how to find when classes are offered, let me know.
First, check the bulletin boards at the local gunshops and possible check in stations, they may have a listing of classes-times, dates, locations.

Now the matter of CCW while hunting is a sticky one. Check with your hunter's safety course instructor and the CCW instructor about this. I know in some states it's illegal to CC while hunting on public land and if you're planning on going on a national game reserve or any state/federal park just for a strole then leave the hog-leg in the truck. If not, and stopped and something goes arye, a paid vacation in the greybar motel may be in order so just make sure to clear that one up!! Good luck. Oh and if by chance you're in the Tidewater area pm me and I can give you a few names for CCW classes.
In Virginia you do not need a formal CCW class to obtain a permit. All you need is a safety course. Many NRA certified instructors run a basic safety class that meets the requirement. You can also try contacting the Arlington-Fairfax Isaac Walton League and asking when they have a basic handgun safety class scheduled. Most are on a long Saturday. You do not even need a weapon.
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I love football too, but one missed game (or watch later via TIVO) is a small price to pay for your CCW permit. :p
qualifying for VA CHP

Many of the gun shows offer a combined VA-FLA permit class, but the fee can be steep - $125 iirc. It will get you through everything and get you covered on most of the eastern seaboard once you get the paperwork back.

Check the gunshows through the VCDL website and see if a class will be offered near you.

Have you considered that you can carry open in VA while hunting? Might get you through this season.

stay safe.

carrying is not an issue for private property. I'm a student at VT and do a lot of hunting in the National Forest. There you MUST carry concealed and therefore need a permit. Last year when I hunted i ran into several very inhospitable 2-legged vermin in the woods, and consider myself lucky to have gotten away. this fall I would like a little more protection in case i run into a similar incident. twice last year I was in a tree stand very, very, very early and i hiked about a mile up a freakin mountain. about 30 mins after daybreak i blew one quick grunt. next thing i know some guy comes walking up, sees me, and tells me i'm in his hunting spot (i was most def there first and was def on national forest land). the guy had a sidearm and just happened to be resting his forearm on it. I was by myself and not sure if he was or not, so i didn't argue, apologized, and climbed down. now while I will still prob climb down with a handgun on me i'd just like to know that if I needed to i could defend myself (i'm a hell of shot with a bow, but not the best defensive choice...). another time i was trailing a bear that i snuck up on along the top of a ridge. He was staying about 50 yards ahead of me and wouldn't let me get too much closer (despite my efforts). well i kept on walking followin him when i heard some one scre, "if the guy in the overalls doesn't turn around he's gonna be sorry. i stopped imeadietly turned around and got the hell outta dodge (once again by myself).
Wow. I hunt in the National Forests in Va and have never run into people like that. I'd find a new place to hunt if that were the case. The worst I've had to deal with is a guy who wanted to talk my ear off prior to heading to his spot.

FWIW, I'm with Duxman, miss a game, take a class, and get it over with.

Slightly off topic, In the Jefferson National Forest near Troutville there is a "long-term camper" Named Rita (iirc). The USDA Rangers have run her off several time, Driven her to local homless shelters, and even tried to get a commitment order - But crazy ole Rita always finds her way back.

As far as those mean 2 legged varmits-- Southwest Virginia has a booming Meth and Moonshine industry. Although I am reluctant to share my qualifications here on the internet, I can say with certainty that not everybody you meet in the Woods is out there to enjoy nature.
Wheew, for a second there your username suggested you were some lame UVA geek. Ahh, the 'Ol Jefferson Nat'l Forrest. I miss that place. Good luck with your CCW.

I too cannot miss ANY Beamer Ball!!!
Never knew that hunting could be so dangerous because of the 2 legged variety. I am taking a beginner's course for hunting in VA, I will keep these incidents in mind.

One of the famous quotes around here is you can either have a gun or a temper - not both. Even if you were cc during these same incidents - I still say back off and let them have their space.

I do not think its worth starting a firefight in the woods to get the rite to fight over some piece of forest. Thats what happened during the incident in Minnesota where a hunter killed like 5-7 people with an SKS.

Isnt non-verbal threatening with a gun called brandishing? I would leave the area and report the incident to the rangers.

Not that I am against carrying a CC weapon - but using it as an excuse to hold ground, probably not the smartest decision to make.
The national forests in Virginia have seen a lot of crime. In the early 80s the pot growers liked to find a nice clearing and start farming. They sometimes rigged rat traps with a 12 gage shell to discourage intruders. I have not been out around Blacksburg in many years, but I doubt much has really changed.
Moonshine used to be pretty easy to get also. The shiners were not as unfriendly if you stumbled on them. Particularly if you made a purchase.