VA assy gun bill


New member
anyone heard about this bill in the gen assy that regardless of what your employer says, you would be able to carry a gun with you to work. 2 things... 1. as long as there is a provision that you cannot be fired or given a worse job, great. 2. i hope this sets a precedent for students in college. any other thoughts on this?
Its not to carry at work... its prevents people from banning firearms in private parking lots, with the exception of lots with gates or guards. It also gives reasonable immunities to the property holder from lawsuits related to firearms mishaps.

I'm really curious as how this applies to university campuses, because it would be nice if I could at least leave my gun in my car for the late night drive home...
Originally the bill would keep employers from banning guns from vehicles in their parking lots but it has been neutered a great deal in committee.

Bill is as follows now:

HB 171 Firearms in locked vehicles; immunity from liability.
Brenda L. Pogge |
Summary as passed House: (all summaries)
Firearms in locked vehicles; immunity from liability. Provides that no person, property owner, tenant, employer, or business owner may prohibit a person who lawfully possesses a firearm from storing that firearm in a locked motor vehicle. The bill provides civil immunity for such persons, property owners, tenants, employers, or business owners. Added provisions The provisions of the bill would not apply to possession of firearms on property on which a person is prohibited from possessing a firearm; (ii) vehicles on property (a) to which access is restricted or limited through the use of a gate; or (b) upon which a building occupied by a single employer and its affiliated entities is located and in which access to the building is restricted or limited by card access; (iii) vehicles owned or leased by an employer or business entity and used by an employee in the course of his employment; (iv) personal vehicles while such vehicles are being used for the transport of consumers of programs licensed by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services; or (v) vehicles on property controlled by an employer required to develop and implement a security plan under federal law or regulation.

Most Universities certainly control all the buildings for parking lots so would be exempt and many building use key card access as well, my old University (not in VA) had locked entrance and exit gates for vehicles as well.
Most Universities certainly control all the buildings for parking lots so would be exempt and many building use key card access as well, my old University (not in VA) had locked entrance and exit gates for vehicles as well.
Mmmm, none of the commuter lots on my campus have gates. Nor any VA school that I can think of...
Some doors are card access only, but those are usually the rear teacher entrances. Most doors are always open.

Why do they have to make things so confusing.. :mad:
at my college here in VA, all doors are open during the day, but at nite you have to use your keycard to get in. Dorms are always locked of course. we dont have gates but we do have security to go thru each time you come onto campus.
HB 171

Many Virginians were elated when this bill was introduced, and their disappointment and even anger was just as great when the Militia, Police and Public Safety committee neutered it.

Some called for withholding support of the bill after that, but in reality, this is going to be a step-by-step process.

It's not even certain that the now neutered bill will make it through the less gun-friendly Senate side of the legislature.

If it does, the situation will be better than it is now, so then next year we can go back and show them that the world didn't end, and push for some of the heinous restrictions to be removed.

Look at the US congress, the senate is usually the overpaid guys who don't do a damn thing yet act like they are the brains of the whole bunch.:barf:

I am glad VA has shown a frisky side with 2 dozen pro-2A bills passed! How about that?:D
So, When I drive to work and go through the gate I cant have my gun locked in my vehicle? Thanks for the answer.
So, When I drive to work and go through the gate I cant have my gun locked in my vehicle?
Only if your employer has a rule against firearms in the parking lot. This new law forces private property owners to allow guns on unsecured parking lots. It does not force private property owners to ban firearms on unsecured parking lots.
In other words, if you could store a firearm in your parking lot before this bill, you will be able to after.