VA-ALERT: YES! Gun show bill DEFEATED!


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VA-ALERT: YES! Gun show bill DEFEATED!

-----Original Message-----
From: Philip Van Cleave
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2008 6:24 PM
Subject: VA-ALERT: YES! Gun show bill DEFEATED!

Senator Marsh's attempt to strip away the private sales of guns at gun
shows was crushed in the Senate Courts of Justice committee this
afternoon when SB 109 was defeated!

Senator Deeds offered an amendment that would have exempted concealed
handgun permit holders and would have exempted parking lots that
weren't part of the leased property for the gun show. That amendment
still left huge problems and none of the gun organizations supported
his amendment.

Senator Marsh was madder than a wet hen when he realized that his bill
was dead for the year.

Senator Stolle suggested that the bill be referred to the Crime
Commission for further "study." Hopefully they will study it into

The following Senators need to be recognized for their pro-gun votes
on SB 109:

Stolle, Quayle, Norment, Edwards, Reynolds, Cuccinelli,
Obenshain, McDougle, Hurt

The following Senators vote anti-gun:

Deeds, Saslaw, Howell, Lucas, Puller, Marsh

Of note: Senator Deeds, who claims to be pro-gun, voted ANTI-GUN.
His two fellow pro-gun Democrats, Edwards and Reynolds, were under the
same pressure from the Governor, but Edwards and Reynolds stood tall
and didn't cave in!


On another issue, the House voted overwhelmingly to NOT ban guns on
the Capitol grounds!

House rejects Capitol gun restriction

Associated Press - January 23, 2008 1:05 PM ET

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) - The House of Delegates overwhelmingly rejected a
proposal Wednesday to restrict the possession of guns at the Virginia

The House voted 77-18 to reject Delegate Lionel Spruill's proposed
change in House rules. The rule would have prohibited guns only in
areas of Capitol Square controlled by the House, which has no say over
space controlled by the Senate.

House Republican Leader Morgan Griffith said that was a major flaw in
the proposal. He also said that while the proposal exempted police
officers, visiting dignitaries would be unable to bring their armed

Spruill said some citizens visiting the Capitol earlier this week felt
unsafe because gun-rights activists were on the grounds carrying their
firearms. [PVC: Well, Delegate Spruill, everyone else felt a lot
safer with all those lawfully carried guns around them!]


Here is a Daily Press article on the gun-control bills that got killed

Gun-control bills killed in Senate
A similar proposal faces even stronger opposition in a House committee.
By Kimball Payne kpayne

January 23, 2008


Last November, lawmakers and political insiders incessantly wondered
how the General Assembly would change with Democrats in control of the

Tuesday demonstrated that not much has changed, when a Senate panel
killed a handful of gun-control proposals 10-5, almost the same margin
as last year.

Sen. Mamie Locke, D-Hampton, sponsored two restriction proposals and
she stepped to the podium to defend them shortly after another
gun-control bill died. She began her pitch with a realistic tone: "I
suffer from no delusions."

One of Locke's bills would allow cities and counties to ban firearms
from libraries and the other would keep gun owners from bringing
weapons to outdoor festivals and carnivals. Locke noted that libraries
ban knives, bats and other weapons, but do not have the power to stop
gun owners.

"Libraries are safe havens for children, senior citizens and
families," Locke said. "A gun in an urban community like Newport News
is very different from a gun in a rural area."

The Virginia Municipal League and lobbyists for Newport News and
Portsmouth backed Locke's proposals. But she faced tough questioning
from Republican lawmakers and strong opposition from gun rights groups
like the National Rifle Association and the Virginia Citizens Defense

Sen. Mark Obenshain, R-Harrisonburg, asked if Newport News officials
planned to put metal detectors at each library entrance.

"Is the purpose here to make people feel safe or to make people
actually safe?" Obenshain asked. "You think (criminals) they're really
going to abide by an ordinance?"

All eight Republicans on the panel voted against the bills, along with
Democrats from Loudon and Henry counties.

Tuesday's votes in the Senate Local Government committee help
underscore the power of gun rights advocates in Virginia. In the wake
of the Virginia Tech massacre last spring, many observers believed
there would be increased pressure to tighten gun controls. But so far
lawmakers have bucked that theory by shooting down significant changes
in committees.

It's familiar territory for gun control activists like Locke, who
tried in 2005 and 2007 to outlaw guns in libraries. Neither bill could
muster enough support to get on the Senate floor for a full debate.

Del. Mamye BaCote, D-Newport News, has a similar library bill, but she
faces even tougher opposition in the House. BaCote will have to get
her proposal past the Militia, Police and Public Safety committee,
which is notoriously hostile to gun control legislation.

VA-ALERT is a project of the Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc.
(VCDL). VCDL is an all-volunteer, non-partisan grassroots organization
dedicated to defending the human rights of all Virginians. The Right to
Keep and Bear Arms is a fundamental human right.

VCDL web page:
nice to hear

well at least there are a few left out there with some common sense. But their number are dwindling across the country.
Awesome news, why can we get action like that here in NYC?

It is slowly changing here thanks to all the Yankee Libs who are moving into Northern Virginia. God, Robert E. Lee, command of the gallant Army of Northern Virginia must be turning over in his grave.

Seriously, you yanks are the biggest libs. Normal people are outnumbered by about 15% looking at yankee state election returns.:eek: