VA-ALERT: Picnic and Fairfax police make false arrest!


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VA-ALERT: Picnic and Fairfax police make false arrest!

-----Original Message-----
From: Philip Van Cleave
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2008 1:32 AM
Subject: VA-ALERT: Picnic and Fairfax police make false arrest!

VCDL's Gun Dealer Legal Defense Fund -- help fight Mayor Bloomberg's
scheme to cripple Virginia firearms dealers. See:
VCDL's meeting schedule:

1. The VCDL picnic - wow!

2. Three Fairfax County police officers prove the Keystone Kops are
alive and well

1. The VCDL picnic - wow!

Saturday's picnic in Newport News couldn't have been better! With
almost 200 attendees, the picnic was VCDL's largest yet.

The weather was incredible, too. Bright sunny day, with low humidity
and a continuous and fairly strong breeze kept everyone comfortable.

Members and non-members came from as far away as Bristol and even

The press was there filming for most of the day - more on that in an
upcoming alert.

Apparently a Newport News park ranger was called about a "man with a
gun." He took one look at well over 100 armed men and women
peacefully enjoying a picnic, took a few pictures of the pavilion, and
left. He never actually came to the pavilion. The pictures were
probably for his fellow rangers - "you aren't going to believe
this!" ;-)

Delegate Pogge, who carried a bill for VCDL this year, spoke to the
group. She also spoke briefly for Senator Ken Cuccinelli, who had
been invited but couldn't make it.

Many thanks to all those who made the picnic and the food line flow
smoothly, including: Board members Dennis O'Connor and Bruce Jackson,
EMs Ron and Jean Hyson, Ron Lilly, Pete Clark, Bonnie Clark, and Sandy
Ferris, and members Bill and Jan Donald, Ed Burton, Monty Oakes,
Coreena and William Taylor, and membership director Jacque Blundell
(who was updating memberships on the spot with a portable computer).

Some "celebrities" that dropped by were Chet and Debbie Szymechi,
Bill Mixon, and Danladi Moore. Chet was unlawfully arrested for open
carry and his wife assaulted last year by the Norfolk Police and
sheriff's deputies. Their federal lawsuit is progressing. Bill Mixon
was the VCDL member who was on the cover of Concealed Carry Magazine a
few months ago. Danladi was unlawfully arrested last year for not
identifying himself to officers when open carrying, having done
nothing wrong.

I was approached by Jo Whistler at the picnic and she discussed a
petition for the redress of grievances that has put
together on the Second Amendment. I told her I would pass it on the
the alert list so that anyone who wanted to sign it, could. It does
require you to register to sign the petition:

2. Three Fairfax County police officers prove the Keystone Kops are
alive and well

We haven't had any issues with the Fairfax County police in quite a
while now. I have found them to be one of the best run police
agencies in Virginia.

However, three officers tarnished that image last week when they
unlawfully arrested a North Carolina resident who was legally carrying
a handgun and had a North Carolina CHP.

Hold on tight - this is a weird story.

The gun owner was pulled over for running through a red light, a
charge which the gun owner disputes.

The gun owner, believing that he had to disclose he was lawfully armed
as they do in North Carolina, dutifully told the officer he had a NC
CHP and was indeed armed.

The officer seemed to ignore the statement, but very shortly two more
patrol units pulled up. The next thing the gun owner knew he is in a
"felony stop" mode. He was asked to walk backwards towards the
officers, who then disarmed and handcuffed him.

While trying to unloaded his gun, THEY DROPPED IT ONTO THE ROAD!

The two officers and a SERGEANT then proceeded to tell him that he was
under arrested for:

1. Having hollow point bullets, which they claimed were illegal in
Virginia (!)
2. Taking a loaded gun across the state line, which the gun owner
was told was a FELONY (!)
3. Having a concealed gun that the police said he couldn't have since
he was from North Carolina (!!)

His car and gun were impounded and he was taken off to a magistrate.

The magistrate looked at the charges and told the police officers that
they had just made a false arrest.

The officers pointed out the possession of hollow point bullets. The
magistrate asked, "are they teflon coated?"

"No," replied on of the officers.

"Then they are legal."

Trying to find something that would stick and justify the false
arrest, one of the officers said, "We couldn't verify that his North
Carolina permit is valid."

The magistrate looked at the permit, noticed the phone number on the
back where one can call to verify the permit, called the number, and
within a few minutes found out the permit was indeed valid.

The gun owner was ordered to be released.

After being released from custody, the gun owner was given a hard time
by another officer about getting his gun back, but he did finally get
it back.

If all of that isn't bad enough, the arresting officer went ahead and
gave the gun owner a ticket for the alleged offense of running a red

In essence, with that brilliant move, the officer was practically
BEGGING the gun owner to PLEASE sue Fairfax Count for the false arrest!

I have already talked to my high-level contact with the Fairfax County
PD about this entire situation and the gun owner has filed a formal

In the past, Fairfax County PD has been very good when such internal
investigations are required. Now we will wait and see what happens.

What is clear is that Fairfax County PD needs to educate its officers

1. Possession of hollow point bullets
2. Reciprocity laws
3. Lawful carriage of firearms across state lines
4. Safe gun handling (a few years ago unsafe gun handling by an
officer cause a gun to discharge, killing an unarmed, handcuffed man)

VA-ALERT is a project of the Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc.
(VCDL). VCDL is an all-volunteer, non-partisan grassroots organization
dedicated to defending the human rights of all Virginians. The Right to
Keep and Bear Arms is a fundamental human right.

VCDL web page:
What the HELL is it with Fairfax county? I guess they've solved all their other actual problems and need something to keep busy?
Fairfax County has one of the lowest crime rates of any Metro area in the US.

The police have been notorious for rousting people open-carrying. The Chief of Police is on record as calling people who open carry "overcompensating asshats." Shows you the mindset there.

The county is very left-liberal. It used to have it's own gun registry, waiting period, police background check, etc. back before VA's preemption law was enacted.

Old habits die hard.