VA-ALERT: New gun laws effective today


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VA-ALERT: New gun laws effective today

-----Original Message-----
From: Philip Van Cleave
Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2008 12:13 AM
Subject: VA-ALERT: New gun laws effective today

VCDL's Gun Dealer Legal Defense Fund -- help fight Mayor Bloomberg's
scheme to cripple Virginia firearms dealers. See:
VCDL's meeting schedule:

1. New laws effective July 1
2. Update on North Carolina permit holder who was falsely arrested in
Fairfax County
3. Reminder to non-resident Virginia CHP holders

1. New laws effective July 1

* A person can renew his CHP between 90 and 180 days before it
expires. If he does so, the new permit will become effective from the
date the old permit expires, giving the permit holder a full five
years. If you renew after the minimum 90 days, then renewals are like
they have been - you might lose some days off your expiring permit.

* If a person moves from one location to another in Virginia, you can
now get a new permit with a change of address for $10 by applying to
the Circuit Court where the permit was issued. REMEMBER: there is no
requirement to get a change of address on your permit, but if you want
to do so, you now can.

* The law was clarified that required training to get a CHP never
expires. Therefore someone's DD-214 from 1970 is still as valid as
one from 2008.

* A person who has a temporary detention order (TDO) does not lose
their gun rights immediately any more. After the TDO evaluation
period, if the person voluntarily commits themselves, they will be
warned that by doing so they will lose their gun rights. Otherwise if
a judge determines that the person indeed needs to be treated on
either an inpatient or outpatient basis after the TDO evaluation
period, then the person loses their gun rights. Finally, there is now
a provision that will allow a person to petition the Court to get
their gun rights back once they are cured or were incorrectly
diagnosed. If they are turned down by the court, they can appeal to a
higher court.

* There will be a few new questions on gun purchase forms dealing with
the new mental health laws.

2. Update on North Carolina permit holder who was falsely arrested in
Fairfax County

Since I first reported on three Fairfax County police officers falsely
arresting a North Carolina concealed handgun permit holder last week,
I have been contacted by Lt. O'Connor with the Fairfax County Police.

Lt. O'Connor is going to be handling the investigation into the
incident, which happened on June 21st at the intersection of Richmond
Hwy and Lockheed Blvd.

Lt. O'Connor was polite and professional. He basically confirmed that
the statement of facts I had made about what happened was pretty much
what he had heard. He said the investigation might change that
understanding though.

He expected the investigation to last about two weeks.

Once the investigation is complete and we see what actions Fairfax
County is going to take to prevent further abuses of law-abiding gun
owners, VCDL will decide what to do and react accordingly.

I'll update everyone as soon as something new happens in this case.

3. Reminder to non-resident Virginia CHP holders

A reminder to non-resident Virginia CHP holders: West Virginia does
not honor non-resident permits. However, they have dramatically
expanded their reciprocity, so you might check with your home state to
see if your home permit is now honored by West Virginia.

VA-ALERT is a project of the Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc.
(VCDL). VCDL is an all-volunteer, non-partisan grassroots organization
dedicated to defending the human rights of all Virginians. The Right to
Keep and Bear Arms is a fundamental human right.

VCDL web page: