VA Alert!! Contact your legislators!!!


New member
Looks like Northam is putting together a special session in Aug to finish off his rights ban! See action item from VCDL.

2. Action item: Have you contacted your legislators about no gun-control during the Special Session of the General Assembly in August?

I am repeating yesterday's action item on the email campaign to tell legislators that we don't want any gun control passed at the August Special Session of the Virginia General Assembly. I am doing so because we added over 1,200 new VA-ALERT subscribers yesterday (!) (now at over 52,000 subscribers) and they did not see that important alert.

If you haven't done so, click to go to the VCDL main page to send that important email to your legislators. The action item is at the top. Also, you can see how many gun owners have sent those emails to their legislators at the bottom of that action item. The counter is in a black box. As of this alert going out, 6,907 gun owners have sent the email in 24 hours and legislators have been commenting on that influx! Let's keep it going! Spread the link to far and wide!