Uzi Eagle


New member
Thinking about buying a new Uzi Eagle in 9mm. Found one for a very good price. Seems to be a very solid and well built pistol. I plan on using it as strictly a "range gun". Way too big to carry. The one I'm looking at has a chrome finish and would certainly make a nice addition to my collection. Anyone own one of these? Ever shoot one? Heard anything good, bad or otherwise?

I had the UZI Eagle in compact in .40. It was a very good shooting gun. The only problem I ever had with it was that it wouldn't fully go into battery sometimes. It probably need a stronger main spring, but I ended up trading it for something else. It was pretty heavy too.,
I just sold mine (.40). I thought the recoil was rather harsh and the accuracy just wasn't there.

I have a Sig 239 in .40 and the two just don't compare. The Sig is, in my opinion, "way" nicer. Much more fun to shoot and a good deal more accurate.