Uzi ammunition


New member
Could the Uzi submachine gun, such as the fully automatic variant issued to the USSS until about the mid-90s, fire +P or +P+ ammunition?

In doing some reading on the topic, I haven't been able to find a solid answer either way.

Thanks in advance for any insights.

Mods-I posted this in NFA because I was wondering specifically about the fully automatic military/government version.
My understanding based on hearing discussions from other Uzi SMG owners is that +p and +p+ function very well in the open bolt uzi. Closed bolt semi auto versions should not shoot +P.

In my Uzi SMG I run a steady diet of 4.3 grn Titegroup under a 124grn jacket bullet. 4.4 grn is considered max in the manuals I have consulted so it's a warm load. I have not tried +p ammunition but would not be afraid to.
The owner's manual from IMI for the full-auto version doesn't say, one way or the other. If you check out some of the Uzi forums, the general consensus seems to be that the Uzi likes "hot" ammo in order reliably cycle the heavy bolt, and that +P and +P+ are fine.

I'll post again if I find anything definitive.
IMI loaded 9mm ammo for the Uzi is what would be called +P

Anyone who says +P should not be used in a semiauto Uzi simply doesn't know what they are talking about. They need hot ammo to cycle properly.


If you load a mag with different "hotness" of ammo and do a full auto dump you can feel the ROF change.
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Thanks for all the help guys.

I Fraternity Brother asked me to fact check something for him and my experience with the Uzi is limited to getting a run one mag through one at OSUT.