Utah TFL gathering this Saturday


New member
The gathering is this Saturday. I plan on being there early in the morning. The shoot is informal and social and should last pretty much as long as you want it too.

PvtPyle has the shade tents.

I will bring my mini-BBq again if anybody is interested. I will also be bringing some target stands, and some steel plate gongs for rifle shooting (please no AP on the steel). If you have targets, bring them. (Somebody remember trash bags for clean up this time). Bring some balloons if you would like to try your hand at Baloon dragging... if you dare go against the reigning champion. BWAHAHAHA. ;)

This is a social event as much as a shooting event. I always look forward to hooking up with you guys.

For people who haven't come out before. We don't mind anybody as long as you are SAFE! If you aren't safe with your weapon we will pull your arms off and beat you with them. :) If you are new to guns, we have some very experienced folks who love to help people learn.

We will be shooting at the same place as last time. Take Redwood road south of Lehi. West of Utah lake. Near mile marker 21. There is a dirt road off to the east that heads up and over the hill. We will be on top.

GPS directions from skyder:

At long last I got a chance to drive past the Gathering Bowl and take a reading for you GPS types. How about North 40 degrees 40.140 minutes. The E-W doesn't matter if you keep the yellow highway line where it is supposed to be. Just stay on State Rte 68 and watch to the West for the road up the hill. If your batteries are dead, chuck the GPS and go to mile marker 21 1/2. Can't miss it.
See ya there.

So who is going to be there?

p.s. brings slugs and buckshot if you would like to help test out a Compstock. If anybody has a PACT timer, please bring it.
I will not have the tents, I cant stay out all day. I will be on the way down about 0730. Weather should be slightly overcast so dont worry about the sun to much, temps should be in the high 60's or low 70's.
I'll be there, but not too early. I have to work until 0300 and, with a 2 hour drive and needing to sleep sometime in between, it may be near noon before I get there...

I will bring a Pact timer and digital camera (bring a disk if you want copies) along with various other goodies!!!

Looking forward to it... :)
That's cool Yorec, it will be good to see you again.

I'll be bringing a couple little items for trading if anyone else is interested in doing some trading... bring some stuff.
I'll be bringing a folding knife, a set of .45 grips, and a full length guide rod, a pair of Audiovox handheld radios... and maybe a couple other things.

Also I have a box of CCI's new Velocitor .22 ammo that we can try out and make some compairisons. Does anyone have a Chrony? (hint hint hint).

I'm pumped up for this Gathering. See you guys in the morning!
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Figures! Ii've got plans to come tomarrow, so tinight some guy decides to beat up his girlfriend, steal a car, and I get to clean it all up! He's gonna stay in jail for a bit, now. :)

I'm writing the report now and stopped a moment to write this note so ya'll will know what's happened to me. (I someone checks the thread before heading out)

I'm still coming!! But it'll be later than I planned...

See ya there!