Utah Gathering III : Meet info, time schedule, direction, and details


New member
TIME: This Sat, starting at 9:30 a.m.

MEET: Ok this info is for this Saturday the 24th. We will meet in Lehi at 9:30. We will meet at the gas station across the street from the old Lehi Roller mill. I'm not sure what brand gas station it is, but it is the one with the Wendy's restaurant inside. The same place that we met last time for those who went. That is 9:30.

Once everybody is there we will drive west on the main road into the desert. We will turn off the main road at the Pony Express trail. The area we are shooting at is just to the south of the Pony Express monument. skyder has the exact distances and even has the coordinates logged on GPS for those of you so technically inclined, but I would just recommend meeting with everybody else at Wendys rather than trying to find your own way.

Once in the desert the road gets rough and rutted in places. You may want to come in a vehicle with some clearance. But it is not that bad. If neccesary, you can park your car at the beginning of the road, and we can shuttle people the last mile or so in pickups. I know that we will have at least a few of those.

OPEN TO WHOM: Any TFLer who wants to make the drive. And lurkers, and family and friends of TFLers as long as they obey the rules of gun safety and bring a little extra ammo to share. :) The people that function as our range officers are large and surly and do not look kindly upon people not obeying the 4 rules.

GUNS & AMMO: If if will fit in your vehicle bring it. :) There is a good berm for close range pistols, and a whole lot of nothing for about 100 miles for rifles. This area is more isolated than last time so there shouldn't be a problem with ATVs or anything. I'm planning on bringing most of the stuff that I have, and I look forward to getting to try out some other people's cool toys. If you don't have something, but you would like to try one out, post your request here, I'm sure somebody owns one. And make sure to bring plenty of ammo.

TARGETS AND SHOOTING IDEAS: I'm open to any suggestions for competitions or targets. So far there have been some great ideas, but I'll admit that this is something I don't know a whole lot about. We will have the little plastic disks again, and I will bring some balloons and string, in the wind they make very difficult rifle targets. :)

FOOD AND WATER: We will have a gas grill at the scene. (Thanks to skyder). Bring your own meat for the grill and anything else you would like to snack on. We had a good lunch last time. Bratwurst is the official sausage of UTAH TFL.

Bring water (save a bottle to drink rather than shoot). It shouldn't get that hot, but this is Utah high desert in February so anything is possible. We could even get hit by an ice tornado or something.

SHADE: Our sunshade from last time was partially carried off to OZ by the Screaming Death Tornado and has been retired. So if somebody else has something like that feel free to bring it.

WEATHER: There isn't really a backup plan in case of bad weather. Keep your fingers crossed. If the weather is bad, we can always keep shooting.

PICTURES: A few TFLers have volunteered to bring digital cameras. Meiji-man took some great pics last time. If you are in the witness protection program or otherwise do not want your picture on the internet, let him know and I'm sure that he will leave you alone. ;)

p.s. Don't wear sandals. We found some cactus there yesterday, that could get nasty. :eek:

I look forward to seeing you guys on Saturday. This shoot should be awesome. And with another even bigger shoot in April to look forward too, I predict that in a couple of years we might have hundreds of TFLers at these get togethers.

Please post here if you are coming, so we will know to look for you at Wendy's. I'll be the big guy with the goatee.

[Edited by Correia on 02-21-2001 at 02:09 PM]
Last time we had about 9?
I dont remember...
I may be able to come - just not solid. Just in case Mrs Kodiac and I can come, we are ready with some Brats and Kraut.
Ok I'm in and a few questions...

I am bringing my camera, so pics al around.

Is Skyder still coming? With the grill?

My count is 3 total people and some 10-12 firearms.:D


Some of us have to stay up late looking for wives!
skyder, gas grill, chrony and whatever other toys sound fun will be there.
By the way Larry, Saturday is the 24th.
9:30, Walkers Fuel stop/Wendys in Lehi. Jct I-15 and SR 73.
Myself, one confirmed addition, and a possible(guy will probably let me know as I am pulling out the driveway) 6-10 toys, depending on my ammo stock.
I'm there with between 2 and 5 people, depending. About 20 guns I'm guessing.

Soda, I pick up the shirts tonight. I will mail them out as fast as I can.

Meiji, if everybody started inviting single girls, this could be the place to FIND yourself a wife!
Fox said 38 and light snow! Everybody dress warm! Skyrider, can you bring your grill in April too?

[Edited by PvtPyle on 02-22-2001 at 02:01 PM]
Guys, I really messed up! I joined our local volunteer fire dept last week and tonight I found out they set the 24th as a training date, one which I can't miss... Why didn't I wait just one more week!

My apologies, but I'm setting aside at least one day for April, iron clad. Gotta go now before the tears short out my keyboard. :(

Maybe April
Midterm papers and other convenient excuses to keep me from freezing my butt off.

I was just out there west of the Farm on Prez' day. Shooting off the new Mossie. Man! What a nice day. Hope you guys like making snowmen.
When in April?

Not too far for me now that I live in Colorado. Might just trek over the mountains to meet with you guys, depending on the timing.
Will be there, One other's confirmed, havn't heard from the other. Snow be damned.

If I don't arrive on time, move out, and I'll follow in trace.

I know the location.

Are there still grill and BBQ plans??? Or just munchy food?

Oh yeah got a Compaq P70 that's coming out with me.........