Utah Gathering After Action Report.

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Not too many people showed up this time around... But that didn't stop those that did from having a fun time.

I'm not sure how much I fired through my 1911 today... but my trigger finger is tired.

We played a new shooting game today. Israels vs Palestinians. Kinda like the Last Man Standing game, but a little crazyier. Everyone puts out a bottle. Teams are selected. Then on the command of fire, everyone shoots as many of the teams bottles as you can. First team to knock out all of your bottles wins. Lot's of fun.

Then we had a gratuitous display of firepower. Everyone that could grabbed an automatic rifle with a full magazine and on the command of fire, everyone unloaded that mag as fast as they could. It was glorious. I felt like waving a US Flag and singing God Bless America! The resulting effect on the backstop area was devestating... the dirt was BOILING!.

I call this Gathering a success despite the number of no shows.
Yorec, you couldn't make it, but I totally understand. There will be other occasions. It was good to see the group again... It's been too long. Let's have another Gathering soon.
Wow, too bad I missed the gratuitous display of firepower! Dang it!

It was great to meet so many new friends, There was lots of fun shooting and BS'ing. I think I BS'd more than I shot but that's always the most fun anyway.

We will have to have another one soon, I have a couple more recruits to bring along for the fun.

Corriea what was the name of that guy you knew that teaches at front sight? Email me offline if you want at crashburnrepeat@hotmail.com

Great to meet you guys, I look forward to the next round of the TFL shoot. Next time I'll remember some of my Xploding targets.

Matt Meservey
I am really bummed I didn't make it. I had a last minute crisis come up.

Be there next time though...
Not as big as the last one, but I would guess if you counted the non-TFLers who just kind of showed up we still had over 20 people during the whole day.

The Gratuitous Display of Firepower was fun. Get enough people, shooting enough rounds, really fast, it sure makes a lot of dust and noise. I could feel the muzzle blast in my eyes and in my bones. George neglected to say why we had to give the display though. A couple of gang banger looking type dudes showed up and were shooting below us. Rapid firing an AK from the hip and not hitting squat, "Gee whiz, I wonder what these pointy things on top of the gun are for?" So we had to show them proper use of firepower by cutting down small trees. :)

Good fun shoot today. I know that there are a bunch of different people who tried my Vepr who want one now. They are heavy, but very nice.

My target stands worked as I hoped. Unfortunatly my steel plate holder died an untimely death. (Just how on earth can we manage to miss 8 inch plates at 200 yards but still hit the 1/4 inch rebar holding it?) :)

That 600 yard rock is still a favorite. I'm getting kind of rusty though. It took me 2 shots before I could hit it with my magic 1911. (dipped in the river Styx, spells of ruin upon it, you know all that good stuff).

We were unable to do a proper test of the Compstock unfortunatly. The guys over in Shotguns were waiting for that. I'll have to go apologize to them. :) Anybody want to hook up soon and do that real quick?

Good shoot, the only problem we have is all those darn morons who drive past people shooting in an obvious direction, and then proceed to drive into said direction, and park in our backstop to get out and sightsee. :rolleyes:

It was good to meet you new guys. Welcome to TFL.
Ah, but I did show up!

I got off work just after 0700 and took a few hours of sleep so I wouldn't wreck on the way. I gathered up my stuff and the Missus and hit the road. Borrowed my dad's pickup so we'd have the required 4 wheel drive.

When we got to the turn off and I saw the road with the holes and ruts, I knew what you meant by needing a 4X4 to get up the hill... :eek:

We got there just after 1800 (that's 6:00 p.m. for everyone else) but no one was about. The TFL signs were gone and only the wind was there to keep us company. Shot a couple mags through my pistol and headed home. Sigh... At least now I know where the famous "bowl" is!

Next time I'll make it when you guys are there! :o
Correria - I also brought the stuff for your test, sorry it was too late. But I'm still interested - problem is, I'm working all the time here - care for a road trip east? I'd supply ammo and a couple of guinea pig shooters - my PD would like to see how that sucker works too...
I'd supply ammo and a couple of guinea pig shooters - my PD would like to see how that sucker works too...

Uh Yorec, you're talking about shotguns and not perps when you talk about guniea pig shooters, right?



Hey Correia, when the ganstas showed up did they show you how to correctly bust caps while holding your 'gat sideways? I've always wanted to know how to do that correctly. It looks so dang cooooool in movies.
The next one, we will have to make it a REAL EVENT instead of just a Gathering.

BBQ, Some tents, some chairs, ice chests full of cold (but not alcoholic) beverages, some tents for shade. Some tables for everyone to lay out the gear, BBQ... :D

Put up some flyers around the local gunshops and ranges. Put out the invitations to Dennis Tueller, and maybe even to other folks out there like sales reps from Vector Arms, Browning, NAA, and the others of the Utah Gun Industry.

We'll need a couple ATV's too. For making the down range runs to keep it an Idiot Free Zone.

Maybe even a Two Day event?

What do you guys think?
yorec, I'm sorry man. I left around 4:00. By that point most of my ammo was shot, my targets were shredded, and I (having of course forgotten sunscreen) was royally roasted.

I'll come to Wyoming. You said it was about a 3 hour drive correct? The one problem is that my wife is due with our next child very soon, so me being far away is kind of a bad thing. I'll go east though, I love shooting with cops, you guys usually don't keep your brass!

Crash, I didn't see the gangstas shooting sideways unfortunatly. I am always looking to learn from true masters to add to my own skills. :)

George, a big shoot would be fun. The only problem with going outside our immediate circle of people we know is getting morons out there. If we do something like that, we will certainly have to have actual range officers to keep people from getting shot accidently. And then if somebody gets shot accidently (because somebody was stupid), what is to keep them froms sueing TFL? Don't get me wrong, I figure 99.99% of the people we meet are perfectly safe. But you have seen some of the folks shooting down the hill from us.


Sitting at home. Wondering where I left that Aloe-vera sunburn cream.
crashburnrepeat, were you wearing some Berretta shooting glasses? We found some and we thought they were yours. Since you live in happy valley, and I'm the closest one... I live in Orem, I have the glasses. Let me know when you want to hook up and I'll give'm to you.

Also, I think I'm missing my blued 8 round mag. I have a 7 and an 8 and I can't find the 8 rounder. If you guys could look though your gear and see if an odd magazine is around, I'd appreciate it.

Larry, I nominate you as the Utah TFL Chapter Official Range Master. You select the other range officers as you see fit. :D
Don't get me wrong, I figure 99.99% of the people we meet are perfectly safe. But you have seen some of the folks shooting down the hill from us.

Holy SMokes! You should have SEEN the guys down the hill.

You all know that we got stuck going up the alt. route, so we parked on the ridge and walked the rest of the way up (gracias to Pyle for the luggage transport). At 4ish, when I went to fetch the car and bring it around there were at least 10 people shooting in it's direction. Two old farts were busting clays over the car!!!

I walked down the hill and asked people to stop shooting so I could ridge hop and move the car. The old buzzard said, "Hell of a place to park a car." :rolleyes:

Excuse me!?!?!


Considering that the entire mountain on the opposite side of the road was open. No roads, no people, and plenty of backstop and old targets, AND THEY'RE SHOOTING AT THE CAR?!?!?

Here's the kicker. I'm trotting up the ridge to get the car and some people a little up the road GO LIVE!!! Gang bangers included. So now I'm running to the car for hard cover while people are whizzing .22 and 7.62 nearby.

Given that every 20 minutes these people had to cease fire as cars drove down their backstop at less than a 100 yards, you think they would get the clue to fire AWAY from the road.

Next time we should have armed escorts to go up an down the hill.

Friggin' psychos.

Of course, it wasn't all bad.

I was the...

"Last Man Standing"--:D
Gents (and I obviously mean that, as opposed to the "down-hillers") - Sorry I missed this one, but I was busy with the next generation. I took 8 kids (7 of them from my Boy Scout troop and the 8th from my January Hunter Ed. Class) to the State YHEC competition on Saturday (my Scouts and I and 4 other adult leaders actually camped there Fri. and Sat. nights). None of them had ever competed in this before and they were planning on just having a good time. They competed in 8 events: .22 fifle, shotgun (sporting clays-type), muzzleloader, archery, walk-through safety trail, wildlife ID, orienteering, and a written safety and ethics exam. We had 72 youth from about 10 - 19 years old competing, Jr.(under 14) and Sr. (15-19) divisions, pretty evenly divided. Here's the good part - every one of my kids came home with either a ribbon (4th-10th place) or a medal (1st-3rd)!!! My kids took BOTH first places and a 3rd (Jr.) in the written exam, and one of the Jr. competitors who'd ONLY fired a muzzle loader a total of about 10 times before the event took 3rd!

Do I sound proud?:D :D :D !!! That's the next generation, folks.

Hearing about your experiences with the "down-hillers" makes me feel even better about my invlovement with trying to make sure that doesn't happen with future generations. Still wish I could have made the Gathering though. I'll keep trying.

Keep Safety FIRST!

You know, Doug...
You could bring the scouts to the gathering.

We'll do a Dutch Oven, camp over night... The scouts would be great as target setters! :D
Goet, thats why before I drove down the hill I told those other guys: "If we get killed on the way down I want you to avenge our deaths... And have fun doing it." I love the bowl, but sometimes I wonder if we wouldn't be better off exploring other options. It is getting crowded out there.

George, I'm already an unofficial safety nazi anyway. "^@! control your *^&*#! muzzle or I'll *&*(&! your eyeballs out of your &*^*&%^&*%! and then shove it *%&&*%^&^!" I learned range safety from R. Lee Ermey movies. :) And I've got a rant for you to put up on Mad Ogre, people who drive past 20 people shooting, and park in the backstop, get out and start to wander around. Huh? Darwinian evolution at its finest.

yorec, my wife has shot down me going to Wyoming until after the baby comes. Maybe I could plan on heading over your way in June?

Doug, you sound proud of those kids. And you rightly should be. Good for them.
LOL, Larry, rant away on Mad Ogre all you like... Just send it to me. :D

Hey Crash - what's up with the glasses? They yours or not?

Yep they're mine and let me take this opportunity to say "THAT'S WHERE THOSE THINGS WENT" I'm glad you found them, I was just starting to contemplate removing the seats in the jeep.

I'll hook up with you sometime this week and pick them up. I drive up to the old Novell Campus in Lindon every day so tell me where you'll be when and I can swing by when I get off. I ususally get off around 2:30. Drop me a line at crashburnrepeat@hotmail.com and tell me where you're at at around 3:00 pm and I'll swing by and pick 'em up.

I checked my gear and I'm not plus any extra mags, I hope you find yours.

Hey I'd be all for a large TFL shoot over a weekend. I'd bring my kids, they can run for miles and would get a kick out of helping hang targets and stuff. Oh and I have a couple dutch ovens too we could bring.

Correia, I think you have a point about involving lots of extra people, I think the thing would be to maybe make everyone sign a disclaimer of some kind or adopt a shooting school type firing line situation where you always have a designated range master type of thing.

Just don't schedule it for the first week of June, I'll be back at Front Sight that weekend.



Oh Correia,

We could go down about five more miles on the same road, there is another informal shooting spot down there that lets you get quite a way off the road and out of the way. Several people rabbit hunt back there but there's a lot more space.
We could go check that other place out sometime soon. Try to minimize the through traffic. Like that one dude whose dog fell out the back of his truck! :)
boy you all get to have the fun , I wish i was out that way , as for the guys who gangbang , just make a loud comment if we get shot at we shoot back!! , and we hit our targets :D said this once at an open range and the wannabees stopped .
I don't know if we could say "We Hit Our Targets" The last man standing games generally last about 4 or 5 rounds... ;)


Crash - I'll email you later today. The Old Novell Campus... the one near provo canyon? I used to work over there. Anyways, give the credit to the find to the others there. I didn't find them, I just volunteered to be the mule. :D
Target-setters?!?! The the boys I'd feel safe bringing to a TFL shoot would be totally ticked if that was all they'd be allowed to do!! The truely sad part is that though I know I'd have more than a few takers on the offer, my schedule looks like I won't be able to make anything until August!!

I do love to cook in a Dutch oven, though.......
