Utah April 26th FTX/shoot.


New member
Yep, it's off. This is getting worse. I hope more people can make it out to the one in August, there is plenty of time to plan for it. At the request of many we will be doing a three day FTX, but people are free to come out the first night and head in on Saturday afternoon. Here is what we have planned:

Friday depart my house at PM sharp.
***Please have everything you would desire to carry in the field on a short 2 or 3 day patrol. You will need a pack and some sort of LBV/E to carry your combat gear in. While we won't of course be in a combat situation, we want everyone to evaluate their gear and the pros and cons of it. We will do some quick reaction drills and some live fire but not much. We will patrol about 4-5 miles the first night thru some varried terrain. We will camp in a small plateau, you may want a shelter of some sort. We will do a short night patrol, but the group will be split in half, one patrolling, one observing, then reversing rolls. The objective is not for the observation group to find them, it is for the observation group to find the areas where the patrol slips up. You will be tailing them and spread out along the patrol route. The patrol group is to get by without being noticed. We will also do a night shoot on the range to test muzzle flashes of the various weapon types being used.***

Saturday, Land nav, quick reaction drills, and observation techniques.
***Some items you may need are a compass, a relief map of the southern part of the valley(from Utah/Idaho school supply) and a compass. I will do up some patroll formations for everyone to get familiar with (pardon me if they are Marine formations 8^) and email them out to everyone that is coming. Also I can email some information on shooting an azmuth and basic land nav.***

Sunday, patrol back to the PZ and head in for a gear review. Those that head out on Saturday, please type up a review of the FTX and your gear and post it here for everyones review.

We do not plan on having any food or water out there, and it will be in August. Please use your head and be safe, take the time to prepair wisely. We will be in an area that has constant cellphone contact, we will be using radios to communicate with the smaller sub units. We hope to have at least two first responders and possibly an EMT with us. If anyone becomes a heat casualty, or suffers another serious injury, we will be able to contact Emergency services and have the proper tools to give location and then mark it for pickup.

If you would like to go and are pretty sure you can make it, please email me directly and let me know and I will get you on the mail list for the mentioned items.

Thanks guys.