
New member
Went to watch a local USPSA for the first time today!
Looks like a blast! Definitely something I could get into!

I would have to start reloading!!:eek:
Overall looks fun!!

Any tips or pointers before I make a fool out of myself?:o
First, do not worry about making a fool of yourself. Such worrying means you will not have fun.

You do not need fancy gun or gear, just need enough mags, since some stages are 30+ rounds. Carry enough ammo to run the stage, plus one magazine, in case something goes wrong.

Last, shooting matches regularly means you WILL get a reloading setup. I recommend Dillon, because they make volume reloading easy.

Thanks for the info!
Oh I wasn't worried about making a fool of myself, I am used to that!;)

I guess if you recomend the Dillion press then that is what you use. Right?
If so which model? How much do you think you have in your set up?
I had been looking at the Lee Pro 1000.
The fellow that introduced me to handguns & reloading use an older model Lee press.

Right now my only pistol I have that I could use is a Sigma 9VE. That would be very interesting with its heavy trigger!!:rolleyes:
I do have three mags for it. That would be 48 rds.

Win or loose I think it would be a great learning experience!!
"a great learning experience"

And there you go.
So go.

I've been going for fifteen years, and I look more the fool now then when I started.

Dillon XL650, roller handle and case-feeder option. Also add the powder-check station (bolt it very firmly to your bench at a height you can sit).

Remember that fancy gear is not required; nothing fancy is required.
Remember that you can compete shooting in a competitive fashion, or in a tactical fashion.
Remember that safety is first, and mandatory.
Remember that your safety, gun-handling, and shooting skills WILL BE enhanced, moreso if you keep an open mind, and are willing to test new things for yourself, sometimes far from your personal comfort zone.

And remember to have fun.
I hold safety at the highest priority!
In fact, that was the main reason I wanted to go as a spectator first!
If it were a bunch of "good ol' boys" out trick shooting, I didn't want any part of it!

The range & competition was organized & EXTREAMLY safe!
I was impressed!

you can compete shooting in a competitive fashion, or in a tactical fashion
I got lost here?
Did you mean just compete to improve my tactical abilities?
Or is this another "division" or "classification"
Sorry, learning here!:o I just didn't want to assume I knew what you meant!
I definitely see this helping me to become more proficient with my handgun.

On another note, what are "normal" competition fees?
This one is $20 non member & $15 for member.
always starts with Safety First

USPSA is most definitely not a bunch of good ol' boys out trick-shooting, ay?
In fact, you can expect pretty much the same thing at any USPSA nation-wide. Rules, too.

Tactical or competive style is what I was referring to, tactical being 'shoot from cover', target engagement order, reloading technique, drawing from concealment, etc., vs competitive style, like trick holsters and magazine pouches, fancy footwear, guns unusable for actual street wear, and the like.

Match fees normally run around $25 per. Some clubs host matches with larger or smaller rd-ct. Some don't shoot during 'weather'. Some have limitations, or lack of, based on the physical range set-up.
Still all delicious fun.

I went as a spectator first, too.
Then I tried it.
Then I became addicted; I still am.
I am not alone......

lol I can definitely see myself getting addicted!!

I was more refering to the range as the "good ol' boys", not USPSA.
Some folks in this area seem to think they know a better way!!
Not the case here though!

I see it benefiting me more by using my normal handgun & wearing my everyday clothes. To help me train for "Practical Shooting"!;)

Plus, I don't have the funds to buy the other stuff!!:p

Thanks for all the help guys!
Right now my only pistol I have that I could use is a Sigma 9VE.
A Sigma could be used in Production Division, but that means only loading to 10 rounds and 3 mags is not enough, so for now, sign up in Limited where you can fill the mags.
I guess if you recomend the Dillion press then that is what you use. Right?
If so which model? How much do you think you have in your set up?
For me, Dillon 550. Less complex, less expensive than a 650, but the 650 can crank out ammo faster. Brian Enos has an article on which Dillon. A Lee Pro 1000 is cheaper, and should work ok, but I have never used one. There are some other things you need, like a scale, and unless you buy new brass, a tumbler.
you can compete shooting in a competitive fashion, or in a tactical fashion
This can also be a comparison of USPSA and IDPA. WHOLE 'nother topic.
Plus, I don't have the funds to buy the other stuff!!
For now, buy ammo, save the brass. Oh, get brass case ammo, not steel or aluminum. ;)

Great info Lee!
I was looking at the USPSA web site last night on the subject of which division to compete in.
I knew a friend of mine thats competes used a production model, but he filled his mags.
I didn't even look at the limited division.

I become interested in handguns & shooting in March of this year.
The buddy who got me hooked also reloads so I have been saving brass from the begining.
I got took on a box of CCI right when I got into shooting. But at the time you couldn't find any .38 ammo anywhere! My eyes did kind of bug out when I opened the box!!:eek:
But shooting no reloadable cases was better then not shooting!;)
Great tip though!!

As I watched the competition, I noticed quite a few FTF, FTE & other ammo releated mishaps.
I was wondering is this that common with reloading?
I don't know the reloading procedures of that individual.
It could just be his lack of attention to detail.

My friend disabled the auto indexing for this reason. He felt that he had a better handle on quality this way.
I have shot around 750 rds of his reloads & have never had an issue.
Im not saying he is perfect. Mistakes happen!
I witnessed 4 or 5 ammo issues with one shooter yesterday!
To me, that is to many!!

Thanks again for the info guys!!
One thing you need to remember about shooting USPSA or any other type of competition the first time.

No one expects a first time shooter to come out and smoke the course. Everyone was new at one time, Everyone goes through learning curves. So forget this MAKING A FOOL OF MY SELF BS.

Three things are gonna happen the first time you try any new shooting discipline:

1. You're gonna have fun
2. You're gonna learn something
3. You're gonna meet some great people.
Thanks Kraig.

I will definately focus on quality of shot instead of speed of shoot!

Points one and two I try to accomplish everytime I shoot.
I can't imagine shooting around all those other people with out number three happening!

Great points!!
Thanks again!
I knew a friend of mine thats competes used a production model, but he filled his mags.
USPSA Production says 10 rounds loaded max when the buzzer goes off. That is why I said Limited. IPSC (international) allows more (15?) but international rules are rare in the US.
I witnessed 4 or 5 ammo issues with one shooter yesterday!
Hard to say. Maybe his press got out of adjustment, or something broke, maybe extractor damaged. I had a problem once which kindof looked like bad ammo or mags, but multiple batches of ammo and multiple mags do not quit at once. Turns out the mag catch failed. After 10K+ rounds thru a gun, lots of stuff can happen.

Yeah, I went to the USPSA site after you mentioned it earlier.
The limited division is the one I would shoot in.

Thanks again for your help Lee.
The only advice I can add is to focus on shooting as slowly as required to shoot all "A"s. Your speed will develop naturally, but rushing your pace early will stunt your development. Accuracy first, speed second. And have fun- the five years I spent action shooting was some of the best experiences I've ever had.
I competed in my first 3 gun (first shooting comp) last saturday. I had a blast. I havent competed because of worries about equipment and being a noob. None of that mattered. I showed up with my M4gery AR, Ruger p89, Browning A-5 and some MOLLE mag pouches. Not ideal equiptment. But i still had fun. The regulars were very gracious and patient. They explained everything to me and another new guy. I took each stage one at a time and each shot one at a time. I kept my actions slow and deliberate. My main goals for the day was to be safe, second have fun and finally try to perform respectfully. I may have finished in the lower 2 or 3 because of time, but i only had 2 misses the whole day.

so load up and go to the next match. You wont be disappointed.
I'd say, don't wait! I attended my first match in 1994, but didn't shoot a match until '97, and kick myself that I missed a couple of years of fun.
Thanks guys! I think I will give it a try next month. I have 3 mags for my 9VE, that is 48 rds. That should do for now huh? I will order me another one pretty quick. Man I wish I would have had a chance to get the 2 free mag rebate from S&W!!:(
Since the maximum number of minimum shots required in a USPSA field course is 32, you should be fine.

Although, I've stepped up to the line with a total of 80 (60 on the belt, 20 in the gun) and after fumbling a reload and the knocking another out when I went to get another magazine, I ended up running dry on the last target.

Just be careful ;)
A slow hit beats a fast miss so take your time, make your hits count and have fun.

You are probably going to start off in D class. As youshoot more, and win more, you will go up in class. You are only competing against other people in your class so don't worry about the guys with their $3000 guns and super slick holsters etc.

Shoot your first match and then try to beat yourself next time. Fewer misses, more A hits and let speed come on it's own.

Have fun.

I also recomment the Dillon loaders. I have a 55 for all my large primer loading and a 650 for my .38s which I load from 2 - 3000 rounds a month.
+1 on the dillin stuff although you can reload with ant machine. I went dullon and the 650 model because I reload 9, 40, 45, and 223 and lots of it. I know guys that love their horned lock n load too. You could use a rock chucker. It all depends on the time vs $ equation.