USPSA - What Division


12 years ago I shot maybe 10 USPSA matches while I was on active duty. I retired from the Army in 1999 and quit shooting. I'm thinking of taking the sport back up again but I have a couple of questions.

I have a Kimber Gold Match .45 ACP with 10 round mags. I had a larger magazine well and a red fiber optic front sight placed on it. What division will this put me in?

Also, if a change my guide rod to a tungsten one and add a bull barrel will that throw me into another division, and if so which one?
As is, your gun would be legal in Single Stack (with 8-round mags) and Limited 10 (it would also be LEGAL in Limited and Open, but that's another story). If you installed a bull barrel, it would no longer be legal for Single Stack, but would still be great for L10. The tungsten rod would be legal for L10, and as long as it didn't drive the total weight over 43 ounces, it would be legal for SS, too.
What holster you have may determine the best starting point. A carry-type holster would be good for Single Stack. A competition holster puts you in L10.

single stack division

Join USPSA and then look for special classifier matches in your area so you can get classified in the Single Stack division.

(I REALLY like classifier matches in both USPSA and IDPA so I always advise people to go shoot them as a way to develop their basic skills)

After a few matches, you'll be refamiliarized with how everything runs and which guns fit in what divisions, and what equipment you might want to get. You may even find you want to buy more guns:cool:
Suggest you start in Lim.10

Single stack is a newer division and thus has fewer shooters in it. It's rules are more limited with holster choice, angle, location and gun coverage. Not to mention that you will be handicapped with 8 +1 rounds shooting stages that give the advantages to the limited or open shooters. Unless you're an exceptionally accurate and fast shooter, I'd recommend Limited 10, just to get you back into the game, re-learn some old and some new rules, gun familiarity and reloading skills. You are likely to have as much fun with that initially and then after that you can move to Single Stack with the holsters on or behind the hip as with the mags which you will have to carry quite a few. Main thing is to relearn the safety sequences, the newer rules, and familiarity with your pistol of choice. Welcome back and have fun!
Within Single Stack, everyone is shooting 8+1, so there's no handicap to doing so. Each division is scored as a separate match, so what's happening in the other divisions has no impact on those shooting Single Stack. That said, I do think Limited 10 is more in line with the idea that USPSA is "racing with a handgun", as the extra couple of rounds dramatically increases the options for engagement sequence, reloads, etc. I never carry more than four mags on the belt, but some Single Stackers do carry as many as six.
Not everyone is shooting 8+1, some of us guys like to shoot minor and squeeze a couple extra rounds in the mag. I think Single Stack is the only division where you can make a case for going minor.
Well, I’m well on my way. Ordered a few “extra’s” from Midway this week, took my Kimber to my gunsmith, and had him check it out. To my surprise, he said there wasn’t anything that needs attention. I did ask about different recoil springs and was told to try some Wolf springs. That was some of the “extra’s” I purchased.
Found out I was shooting way to heavy of loads. Looked up the new data and lowered my H-38 powder from 5.4 to 4.5. I use a 200gr LSWC so lowering that should help with recoil.
I had to buy a LARGER belt though. Funny how the old one shrank once I retired from the Army 12 years ago!!!
I’ve been doing a lot of slow draws, turn draws, reloads, and dry firing. Been working mainly on the correct fundamentals other than speed.
By the time the snow melts around here I should be ready and yes I’m heading into the Limited 10 division. That was where I competed before.
Just my .02$- (.01$ after our Dear Leader gets his cut)

I shot IPSC for about 14 years before my legs decided to give me a problem. anyway I shot with a Kimber,Wolff springs16-20 lb. depending on my load, Chip McCormack 10 round mags, and a Safariland holster. They all worked well for me, I found that I enjoyed L10 more than any of the other divisions. The only advice that I may be able to give you is to practice your safety. Remember there are two types of competitors in USPSA, Those who have been DQ'd from a match, and those who will be DQ'd:D. Although I was never actualy DQ'd, ther were a couple of times I should have been:o!!
If I am ever able to compete again, it will be L10.
although I am not what one would consider an athlete, I did enjoy playing a lot of different sports, and nothing in my life,except for maybe Hooking into a Marlin in Blue water, gave me anywhere near the thrill that IPSC did. Like I said, I hope to able to shoot in a match again someday.
Good luck and good shooting!!
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