uspsa nationals


New member
how exactly do people get a chance to compete at these events? could someone please explain? like do you need to have a certain amount of matches played or have X type of statistics or high placings recorded and then you are given a slot? is it an invitational kind of thing?
You have to join the USPSA and shoot a qualifier match and get a rating. Then it's simply a matter of signing up early enough to get a slot before they're all filled and pay the entry fees. Find a club in your area and get involved. It's a lot of fun. USPSA also has a website.
Anyone can show up to a local USPSA match and shoot. However, you cannot "sign up early" to get a slot for a USPSA pistol championship. That works for the Single Stack and Multi-gun Nationals, but not for the big pistol matches. The complete policy is here, or check the USPSA Nationals site.

For example, previous national and area champs get slots. Sections and clubs get slots. The closest section to me has qualifier matches, although my club does not belong to a section, so we get our own slots; the number is based on activity, basically how many classifiers are submitted. We get about 2 slots for each nationals. Our slots are assigned based on club service, not how well you shoot, but that was a club decision. Ask at whatever club you shoot with.

While it is possible to "buy a slot", the usual way is as explained above, by competing in regional qualifiers. HQ distributes the slots proportional to the activity in member clubs. In my geographical area (Section), there is a Championship Series, with each club in the Section hosting one match that is scored as part of the Series. One club also hosts a Section Championship match in conjunction with their Series match that counts as two Series matches, and the individuals who win the Series Championship in each competitive division are guaranteed a slot if they want it. In '08, the champ didn't want his slot, so I'm going. I won the series this year and probably won't go to nationals again next year, so the guy who finished second will probably have a "shot" at the slot. Slots that are allotted to the clubs and Sections for distribution are often returned, and those become at-large slots that can be bought through participation in a sort of first-come/first-served online competition alluded to above.