
Ok so not sure where I saw or read this, but this individual was saying that the Beretta 92-96 series are not allowed at USPSA and IDPA shoots. Is this true? I cant seem to find anything in the rules stating it.
This would be news to Bill Wilson who shot the first year or two in IDPA with a Beretta 92, perhaps to defuse claims that he started the organization only to promote sales of his 1911s. Older IDPA rule books specifically list the Beretta 92 and 96 as examples of SSPs.

The USPSA list of approved Production guns lists several different Beretta 92 and 96 variants.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but this individual is ignorant, lying, or just full of BS.
Thanks for the quick reply. I just did not want to buy one and then be told I cant use it. I love the beretta 92fs just hate the round and even the round is not bad it is just over here in Iraq they dont allow us to use JHPs so just using GI ball is the reason for most of the complaints on how the 92 is bad. If we were allowed to use the proper bullets you would hear no one complaining.
In USPSA, the 92 and 96 cannot be used in Single Stack, and not in revolver. That leaves Production, Limited, Limited 10, and Open. ;)

There are people who will tell you that the 92 sucks in competition. If you like the gun, then shoot it and have fun! It really is the Indian and not the Arrow in action shooting.
Yep as stated the 92fs is permitted in IDPA and you be in the SSP class of pistol as stated. I shot my first match this past Saturday with the 92fs
The only thing that i disagree on is the safety has to be on after making ready where if you are using a PX4 with a decocker only all is good. The 92fs with the safety off is the same as the PX4 with a decocker only. Both in this position have the hammer down on the firing pin. Go figure.
Actually that is not the case unless perhaps you have a dictatorial MD.

Rules state:

All CoF will be started with the pistol holstered and safe. S9 pg 8.

Pistols must start from the mechanical condition of readiness appropriate to their design. C15 pb 10.

There is no requirement that a gun be decocked AND on safe, the Walther type lever is routinely moved to the fire position after the hammer is decocked. At least where I shoot, which is only up to the Nationals.
Thanks and I appreciate the info Jim Watson. Being it was my first match and not being a member of IDPA I figured it would not be in my best interest to make waves about it. I have since joined the IDPA and will soon have a rule book in hand to scrutinize. Thanks again for the info and I'll go to the IDPA web site to look at the rules you pointed out. Mid 30's temps and Sleet made it tough for the old fingers to work with no gloves. Yep you are reading right, sleet here in beautiful cold FLA. They requested that shooter and new shooter not wear gloves for safety reasons.
Learning Marksmanship

Hey everyone,

I'm currently a student at UCLA's business school and I'm doing some research for an idea in competitive shooting training. It’s a new technology developed in cooperation with the Marines near San Diego to train recruits and accelerate their marksmanship skills. It monitors EEG, EKG and breathing rates to help a user identify the optimal moment to take their shot.

Proven successful in research, the Marines have recently implemented it into Private level and upward training. We think it has potential in competitive shooting and law enforcement training. What we need is a little market research to gauge interest.

So we developed a short questionnaire (that does not require nor collect personal information) but will tell us a little bit about what the average shooters are interested in. It takes less than 5 minutes and has pictures of the product. I appreciate anyone who can take a moment to answer it.

The link:

As a side note, this is a legitimate request for an education based research project. If you are not interested, please disregard. But thanks in advance to anyone who can contribute.

Rob Rubio
UCLA Anderson School of Management
Class of 2010