USPSA caliber question.


New member
7.62x25mm will easily make minor power factor.. but is there a rule aboutt he actual diamater of the bullet? I was told 9mm is the smallest diamater you can use however it really doesn't make sense to me why it would matter as long as you still make PF.

What about IDPA as well?

I would like to be able to start competing before I buy a new gun (its's not as easy as you would think in the wonderful state of NJ)

Thanks guys.
That's correct. Go to this link and the info for USPSA (other run and gun styles of shooting are similar). Page 83 has the Production Division gun rules and that is the type of equipment you will probably start with. An XD or a Glock is a good place to start. I think the rules are in place because the steel targets are designed to be safe with most modern defensive rounds.
Thats unfortunate, I could understand them not wanting any milsurp steel jacket stuff but I don't see a 7.26x25 with modern ammo doing any more damage to steel targets then 9x25 or .357sig.

Oh well... back to saving for that CZ :(
I understand that, but I don't understand what the bullet diamater has to do with it?

Take 9x25 dillon for example, can fire a 90gr projectile at speeds exceeding that of 7.62x25 and that would be fine only becuase the diamater of the bullet is .05 larger?

Of coourse I understand that they have regulations for a reason and i'm not trying to knock that.. I just don't understand that reasoning (but would like to).
I don't propose to psychoanalyze the boards of directors of IDPA, IPSC, and USPSA, but do have a suggestion:

Show up!
I expect the match director for any routine club shoot will either give you an exemption and let you shoot your 7.62 or round up a loaner 9mm for you to use. I know I would, in fact I have. We had a guy shooting IDPA with a 6" revolver, and I have seen Makarovs in use. There is the guy shooting the 5.7 but I really do not approve of him because I know he owns a .40 and could abide by the rules if he had to. But the present match director does not make him, so he pops away with his smallbore.

By the way, what kind of 7.62x25 do you have? Tokarev or CZ52, I imagine; a long time since I have seen a Broomhandle in use.
Neither has the safety and ergonomics of a more modern gun so you will have to be extra careful, but if the MD goes along like I think he will, you can make a start in the sport.
If you don't like these rules once you get into the competition of USPSA or IDPA you are really going to be chaffed. Read up on penalties. My wife gets crazy when they start to assess penalties in scoring. For a target that you will get 10 points for shooting perfectly you can get 30 points in penalties if you forget to shoot it. Yes they hide them. Yes they are evil.:eek: Remember it's just a game to learn to shoot safely and quickly and you must obey the rules. Besides that I love the sport. :D Hope you will too.
Like Jim said someone will probably loan you a gun if you want to shoot.
I don't propose to psychoanalyze the boards of directors of IDPA, IPSC, and USPSA, but do have a suggestion:

Show up!
I expect the match director for any routine club shoot will either give you an exemption and let you shoot your 7.62 or round up a loaner 9mm for you to use. I know I would, in fact I have. We had a guy shooting IDPA with a 6" revolver, and I have seen Makarovs in use. There is the guy shooting the 5.7 but I really do not approve of him because I know he owns a .40 and could abide by the rules if he had to. But the present match director does not make him, so he pops away with his smallbore.

By the way, what kind of 7.62x25 do you have? Tokarev or CZ52, I imagine; a long time since I have seen a Broomhandle in use.
Neither has the safety and ergonomics of a more modern gun so you will have to be extra careful, but if the MD goes along like I think he will, you can make a start in the sport.

Its a polish tokarev, been in the hunt for a 9mm barrel for it but those have dried up long ago and those who have them aren't letting go :(

I also have a mak..well a p-64 in 9x18 which I would also love to use (need to grab some more mags though) But i understand not letting me use that becuase it would be way low on PF.

Glad to know they might be flexable though... sadly the closest matches to me are over an hour away and I have to admit I would probably be a little dissapointed if I went and couldn't shoot :( but hey maybe I'll just hop on the bike and takle a ride up and see what they say.

Also just wanted to say, I really don't care about playing for points or standing I would just love to give it a try for fun :)
already answered in our rules

One may compete with virtually any chambering, but not all can be shot FOR SCORE.

One can use a 22LR or that Tok or the 380 you carry, etc., but just not for score.